Shalom! Shalom!
Podcast CLXXV: Israel Closes Its Borders – Over-Reactions – Media-Controlled Fear”
Podcast CLXXVI: Basics of Faith – From Fear to Boldness – Judges 6
Please listen to podcasts CLXIX to CLXIV for more teaching on faith and how to stand strong in faith in the days ahead. “Without faith it is impossible to please Him…”
Fear causes us to center on “self.” That’s the worst thing we can do. Centering on self opens the mind up for an onslaught of demonic attacks using fear and panic-driven reasoning. We see how Americans are driven by panic by the news media’s mind-control and propaganda, lying or truthful.
Listen to these podcasts and be built up in faith in the Word and the reality of what we have from our heavenly Abba residing in our re-born spirit.
These are the days of division. Messiah said He did not come to bring peace to the earth but division. He came to divide out who will side with Yahuwah and with Him from those who side with their own mind’s reasoning, which includes religious thinking gained from chosen human teachers.
Yahuwah’s children are Spirit-taught. His children reflect His nature, ways, and thinking. His children love His Word and act on it – the written Word and the spoken Word to our re-born spirit. His children are the Deuteronomy 15:16-17 servants in training for reigning – willfully submitting all to follow Him.
Yes, this Thursday morning, Israel will close their borders and anyone who wants to enter must be able to self-quarantine themselves for 2 weeks or they can’t enter. March 12th was the wedding anniversary of my dad’s parents. March 12th was the wedding anniversary of my parents. This March 12th I have an appointment with an eye doctor. Oh well – whatever we do on March 12th, let Yahuwah control it all! May His Name be praised!
Sadly, two friends of mine were going to Israel this Thursday morning, March 12th, but they had to cancel everything. The plans for world government are intensifying. Actually, this is the finest hour for the true servants of Messiah to arise, and make our Abba proud!
In His love, Yedidah
March 10, 2020