Podcasts CIX and CX: The Final Uniting of the Spirit and Soul Before the Translation, or Resurrection, of the Body


Two new podcasts are ready for you to listen to: Parts I and II are both based on the article posted April 7, 2019 under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness, “The Final Uniting of the Spirit and Soul Before the Translation, or Resurrection, of the Body.”

In these two podcasts I don’t just share what I wrote in article but go further to impart what Abba is doing now to prepare a final Revelation 14:1-5 company, a “first fruits” company, before Messiah comes, and to prepare the righteous who will be martyred.

I burst all bubbles of religious illusions to give you Abba’s requirements for entrance into His Kingdom. There has to be death before either translation or resurrection. Those who have died to self before physical death only die once. Those who refuse to die to self, die twice – in physical death and eternal death. There is a company arising and preparing who, because of death to self, will not die at all, but as Enoch walked with Elohim, they too know Him, and will go forth at the time of the witnesses into all the world to preach the Good News before Messiah comes in fulfillment of Messiah’s prophecy in Matthew 24, and to the heads of nations with the message of Yahuwah’s judgment (Jeremiah 25). This message that Jeremiah took to the nations is the same message this remnant will take before Messiah comes with the wrath of Yahuwah – “you will drink.”

Abba is finalizing His work within His end-time remnant people, for the two witnesses are awaiting their manifesting in Jerusalem, the antichrist/anti-messiah is waiting for his manifesting in Jerusalem, and the witness company is being prepared for their assignments in the earth at the time of the witnesses and the antichrist. Are you allowing Him to prepare you for either this witness company or to be faithful martyr? The word “martyr” means “witness.” Mark 13:9-12 – these end-time martyrs witness to their executioners.

It is the time of finalities, thus we must gather up our thoughts and bring them into captivity to Messiah (II Corinthians 10:3-6) and align them to Abba’s thoughts so that our “spirit-man” unites as one and we enter the Kingdom of Light with rewards. The final work of the Spirit is taking place within the truly born again family of Elohim. This is no time for apathy, laziness, or complacency for sure!

Blessings, shalom,


April 8, 2019


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