“Podcasts CCXXXXVIII: Psalm 121 -The Shade At Your Right Hand is Yahushua” AND “…CCXXXXIX: The Kingdom is the King’s Domain” are ready for listening under Audio Messages on the main page of
These are also under “Recent Articles” on the website main page in article form.
These are encouraging, faith-building, but also exhorting.
In the podcast of “Psalm 121…”, I begin by giving statistics of a very recent Barna survey of Christian belief under four Christian headings – Evangelical, Pentecostal/Charismatic, Mainline Protestant, and Catholic.
I have known about the percentages in general for some time – very shocking. This is a fairly recent phenomenon. The great falling away, or apostasy, which refers to departure from faith or beliefs, found described in II Thessalonians 2, is a precursor to the rise of antichrist, the Beast of Revelation 13.
Those who are born again must be weakened in faith, absorbed into mind-programming, and controllable before the Beast system of world government can be set in place. The faith of believers in America especially has to be weakened, and the whole nation weakened by sin and mind-programming, in order for China, Russia, take it out totally. That process is well in motion towards its goal. The true Good News as taught by Messiah and His apostles is almost sone away with in Christianity – reduced to a “believe what you want to believe” religion. The results of the survey are indeed shocking, but reality.
Then I go on to show that, for the true believers, Yahuwah and Yahushua are very present to teach, uphold, and protect. The separation between the main-stream religious and the tiny remnant few who are a narrow path to the narrow gate (Matthew 7:13-14) is getting wider and wider.
The assemblies of Philadelphia and Laodicea are running parallel (Revelation 3). In the same chapter, the assembly at Sardis, represents those who are divided between the two – not totally lukewarm, but borderline. Messiah has nothing to say in judgment of Philadelphia, and admonishes Sardis to repent, but has great warning for Laodicea. Representation of all the 7 assemblies of Revelation 2 and 3 are represented in the earth today.
In “The Kingdom is the King’s Domain” is share how Messiah emphasized the message of the Kingdom. We must be prepared to enter the King’s domain. Born again believers are set on the road to the Kingdom of heaven, the Kingdom of Yahuwah, but it depends on them if they’re found worthy to enter. Our citizenship is in heaven if we’re born again. But, we must obey the King in order to enter and live in the Kingdom, and maintain our citizenship.
People are taught in western-culture churches that to pray a prayer of belief in Jesus assures them of eternal life. If so, why is there such emphasis in the Bible abut submission to the King and being found worthy? The true new birth is one thing – growth to maturity so that we are accepted citizens of the Kingdom, is another thing. We must overcome by the power of the Spirit so that we enter the Kingdom, and don’t hear Yahushua say “I do not know you.” Of the remnant of Yahuwah who go forth in the face of antichrist, it is said, “They that know their Elohim shall be strong and do exploits.”
There is a lot of the “meat of the Word” in these two podcasts. Please share them with other believers.
Shalom, blessings, Yedidah
November 17, 2020