Podcasts CCXCVII and CCXCVIII: Psalm 78:41- They Limited, Tested, Provoked, Tempted, Pained, Offended, Vexed, and Distressed The Set-Apart One of Israel – Parts I and II


Podcast CCXCVII “Psalm 78:41 – They Limited, Tested, Provoked, Tempted, Pained, Offended, Vexed, and Distressed the Set-Apart One of Israel” AND “Podcast CCXCVIII: PART II – They Limited, Tested…the Set-Apart One of Israel” are ready for listening as Part I and Part II under “Audio Messages on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com.

I got about 48 minutes into the first podcast and my computer went black. Nothing wrong with the computer – just with the user of the computer. I forgot to charge it ahead of time. That’s fine. In Part II Abba had more to say, so He is in control as usual! Thus, Part II is actually to complete what He wanted said from the original Podcast.

These 2 Podcasts are built on the article posted June 28th: “Psalm 78:41 – They Limited, Tested, Provoked, Tempted, Pained, Offended, Vexed, and Distressed the Holy One of Israel”/Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.

Yes, indeed, they contain a message from the heart of Yahuwah Himself to us all. Most all of the humans created actually grieve, distress, and bring pain and anguish to our Creators! So, you can imagine what amazing blessings and intimate interaction is poured out from heaven on those humans who do not give Him pain, but actually bless Him!

Actually, we grieve Him in many ways by our rebellion and calloused attitudes towards Him. We LIMIT Him by not believing in His abilities, nor seeking Him to know Him. He wants a family to be with Him in eternity, upon whom He can bestow His blessings. Most who claim to be His children send Him the message of unbelief, no faith, mockingly to Him as they did in the wilderness: “Can Yahuwah provide a table in the wilderness?” They do not seek to know Him, and yet blame Him if they don’t get what they want. Tragic! He is so wonderful!

In Part II, I also include PSALM 78:17-20, Berean Study Bible: But they continued to sin against Him, rebelling in the desert against the Most High. 18They willfully tested God by demanding the food they craved.19They spoke against God, saying, “Can God really prepare a table in the wilderness? 20When He struck the rock, water gushed out and torrents raged. But can He also give bread or supply His people with meat?”

      In fact, you might want to download again page 1 of the article by the LONG title, because I added this Scripture to the first page, and a few other statements.

The article is under “Recent Articles” June 28, 2021 also Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.

Read all of Psalm 78. It is quite a picture of the attitudes today of those who claim Him as God but do not know Him personally as Abba/”Daddy.”

When Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden in an eternal state of being, they had it so good! They had continual peace, provision, joy, and the high privilege of having Yahushua ha Machiach walk with them. He actually formed Adam out of the clay of the ground and breathed the life of Yahuwah into Him, the breath of “immorality.” But, out of curiosity about what they might miss if they didn’t eat of the tree, they disobeyed.

Messiah was the “second Adam,” who chose not to disobey His Father. If you want to live in the Kingdom of Light for eternity, you must obey Yahuwah. His rules are simple and logical, wise, and righteous. To be able to obey with love and peace, and a will to obey without balking, you must have Yahuwah, the Spirit, dwelling inside of your re-born spirit, teaching, leading, guiding, convicting, and transforming you. If you reject His entrance and control, you are rejecting Yahuwah Himself. Peace, joy, love, contentment, and eternal life in a Kingdom of Light vs confusion, torment, and hell – He says to mankind “Choose.”

Blessings to you as you go forward into the Light with joyful heart!

Yedidah, June 29, 2021

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