Greetings, shalom!

“Podcast CDXXXXI: The Battle is Raging! Let the Righteous Prepare For War! Let Yah’s Gideon 300 Arise!” is ready for listening under “Audio Messages” on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com.

This is a powerful podcast – it’s one of those do or die messages. We’re at the time when “do or die” will be thrust in our face by the antichrist/anti-messiah system and the Beast himself. This is the time when Lucifer’s spokesmen say “do as I say or else die,” or we stand for Yahuwah and Yahushua – our Abba and our Beloved Savior – and choose death because we stand for Them.

I give you lots of Scripture about the only power source we can claim to see us through. Yahuwah and Yahushua said: “I will never leave you or forsake you.”    However, keeping one’s self on the narrow path is not going to be easy, so the temptation to give into what we’re supposed to do to live will be strong.

The fulcrum has tipped downward, so that life’s ease, comfort, nice words, nice food, nice necessities, friends and family niceness – will drastically turn to “survival of the fittest.”

Here is the link to a song that I can put my whole body, soul, and spirit behind as I lift my hands and pound the air in agreement. This group is Messianic. They use instruments also known in ancient times in Israel. “Aromem” music …

https://youtu.be/80wvS9Vx4eg He Who Holds Almighty Power

“Let the righteous prepare for war.”

This song ends with “fallen is Babel” – a statement in several of the Scriptures to do with the annihilation of America, which is being brought on now by the leaders of America and their Luciferic cohorts. Thus, the group of people who rise as the Gideon 300 remnant come into their fulness after Jeremiah 50-51, Isaiah 13, 47, Revelation 18.

If you are indeed truly baptized into the Spirit of Yahuwah by Yahushua, and are thus filled with His power and anointing, then, like myself, as you hear this anointed battle cry song – the John 7:37-39 Spirit of Yahuwah will burst out of your spirit and be to you as a consuming fire within – not within your mind, not your carnal emotions – but overflowing with the power of the anointing – Yahuwah Himself.

I go into the powerful picture in Isaiah 10:27. How to get rid of the “yoke of bondage.”

The divisions of guests, attendants, and the bride and groom are being seen more and more in Scripture as the division is being made between the 30, the 60, and the 100-fold, all recipients of the eternal Kingdom – whether eternity on the new earth, as a representative between earth and heaven, or as one who stays with the Bride Groom in the throne room. All share in eternal life! All share according to their relationship and faithfulness to Yahuwah and Yahushua in their rewards. All have eternal life and different rewards according to obedience. The division of Gideon’s massive army is not one of God dumping the first two groups – but of Yahuwah choosing the third group who will go all the way through to victory facing an overwhelming army, with the power of Yahuwah behind them.

I’ve stood right where that test of drinking water took place, Ein Herod, overlooking the Jez’reel Valley. On the thewelltroddenroad.org is a video taken there, and of my son dipping his hand into the water and taking it to his mouth just as the 300 dipped who won the victory.

We do the choosing as to where we choose to spend eternity. Yahuwah only works with those who choose His dimension as our destiny.

This podcast contains so much information that you should have pad and pen to write down at least the scripture references, and key phrases.

If you are truly born again, you have been declared righteous, and in being set-apart you are taking on the righteousness of Messiah. To go all the way with it, puts you into a state of “blamelessness” before Elohim, as in I Thessalonians 5:23.

The more you are “set-apart” until Yahuwah in all things, the more “blameless” you become.

Shalom, blessings, onward and upward!!!

Yedidah – August 6, 2023

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