Podcast XCVIII: The Contest Intensifies Between Yahuwah’s Power and Satan’s Power


Podcast XCVIII is ready for listening to – “The Contest Intensifies Between Yahuwah’s Power and Satan’s Power.” It is under Audio Teachings on comeenterthemikvah.com.  I will be posting this as a transcript under the Mikvah of the Spirit.

You will hear things that are mind-boggling to the average believer today. You may be shocked at the deadness of believers and the entrance of the demonic realm so long ago, which laid the foundation for what we are seeing now.

In 2018 I had a vision Abba gave me to explain what I, and all the watchmen, are seeing, and are amazed at. In the dream, I saw a huge graveyard. I saw a few markers of graves that had been closed over. But, most all the places of graves as far as I could see had been nicely dug, yet were left open. The graveyard was readied and prepared to soon receive a massive number of caskets yet to be placed in the empty graves. Abby said to me that His people were in varying stages of death, but soon they will be brought in their caskets to their graves for burying. He spoke regarding spiritual death. His people are dying because they have been detached from who they are, unable to see the power demonstrated that they should have–the power that brings life eternal, healing and deliverance—the power of Yahuwah’s Spirit that unifies us with each other, and with His Eternal realm. Without His power, we will die spiritually. We will die in our understanding of who Yahuwah and Yahushua really are. Today, we still have the privilege of sitting with Messiah in heavenly places, in an extra-dimensional realm, as the Garden of Eden is opening for a few already. But, most of His children go through life without ever knowing the realm of the Eternal manifesting on earth, and so are robbed of who they are, and what their eternal inheritance includes.

Listen to these powerful words for us today! Take hold of what is rightfully yours.

In His love,


February 7, 2019


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