Podcast LXXVI: The Sifter


Podcast LXXVI is ready to be listened to under Audio Teachings on comeenterthemikvah.com, which corresponds to the article “The Sifter.” In the last three days I have podcasted seven articles with additional information as the Spirit led me.

***TAKE NOTE: My son, Derek, has let me know to add a description for each podcast, which you can click on–it’s the little i in a circle next to the podcast name or above on the picture. Derek let me know that if I add “tags” then more people will be drawn to the articles, podcasts, and website, while surfing the web for information. Derek also said to let you know to please become a “Spreaker follower,” by signing up with Spreaker. By doing this, you will increase the stats (statistics) that will let others know you like the podcasts. In doing this, you help promote the Word of Yahuwah on the internet.

     ***Right now I only have 9 “followers,” from 3-4 different countries. But, to date, I have 93 Episodes – 11,076 Plays and 4,250 Downloads

     ***Folks, my articles and podcasts are getting out to about 60 nations. Will you help me reach more people!


“Here is the place they can follow you: https://www.spreaker.com/user/yedidah

They will have to open an account if they don’t have one. Once following they can add a comment or download the episode. ***For those who are signed up on iTunes, they automatically can have the episodes downloaded.

You’ll see the “sign up” option at the top right hand corner in yellow color. To login, click the “follow” button.

***“For those who want the podcast app for Spreaker, here is the link. They can download from here also: Spreaker Podcast Radio by Spreaker Inc.

*** To sign up on iTunes, click the purple bar at the bottom of the “Audio Messages” page.

The articles and podcasts can be life-changing if acted on, for they come from the heart of Abba, from His nature, ways, and thinking. They are aligned to the whole Word as taught to us by His Spirit. These recent postings of prophecies are all united. They tell us what Abba is saying to His remnant in these days.

The goals of the enemy are being fulfilled rapidly, but Abba is allowing these things to happen in order to separate out His true set-apart children from those that profess to be His but who are not. He is now concentrating on purifying and perfecting those whose spirit is united with Him. Jamie Buckingham once said: “We have to eliminate in order to concentrate,” and that’s true of Abba too.

These podcasts are all for the purpose of taking what He’s saying to Him, and asking Him where you fit into what He’s saying. He is setting His children apart, and we must comply with joy, peace, and boldness, so that we go forward and do not die in wilderness as they did under Moses.

Please be sure to read the article and hear the podcast: “The Month of Ethanim and the Speaking Place,” that is about Sukkot in particular. The articles that go with the podcasts are all under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness and Separation.

I hope you’re having a good Sukkot week!

Love and shalom,


September 27, 2018


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