Podcast LXX: The Month of Ethanim and the Speaking Place


Podcast LXX is now ready to be listened to under “Audio Teachings” on comeenterthemikvah.com. Please share this with others! It follows along with, and amplifies, the article “The Month of Ethanim and the Speaking Place – I Kings 8,” which is under the Mikvah of the Covenant. It is about Sukkot! It is about what Sukkot is really a celebration of! You can live in Sukkot as a lifestyle now!

Tonight at sunset–sunset of September 25th going into September 26th –we enter into the 1st day of the 8 days of Sukkot! This is the Festival that marks our wilderness journey to the Promised Land, as well as the end of our journey on this defiled earth when Messiah returns. Then we get a new heaven and a new earth along with His Kingdom on earth with us. Do you know Him as He really is – One who loves you more than anyone else could ever love you, loving you with the same love as your Abba and His Abba, Yahuwah? The seven Festivals are all about Yahushua’s salvation from His Death to His reigning on earth as King and High Priest.

I recommend also that you listen to Derek Townsend’s two podcast teachings about this month of Ethanim/Tishre on his website, thewelltroddenroad.org, under “the Shofar”: 1) “The Midnight Cry…” and 2) Insights into the Month of Endurance and the Day of Atonement.”

I live with family who does not celebrate the Festivals, but for some strange reason this morning, after nearly a year of not bringing her pop-up tent into the living room, 7-year-old Abba brought in her tent. She proceeded to fix it up like a little house inside, and even the cat went inside to sleep. She brought in some toys, and then she crawled inside to color some pictures. I told her that thousands of children in Israel have been setting up their tents for the Festival of Tabernacles these last few days. She was delighted. As a little child, in the Fall/Autumn, when the leaves of our Maple Tree began falling, I would set up my tent next to the tree and sleep outside in it. I wonder if that was during Sukkot? The tribal DNA of the ten tribes of the House of Ephraim/House of Joseph/House of Israel is stirring in us, calling us back to our fathers – Abraham, Yitzak, and Ya’cob. It is the working of the spirit of Eliyahu/Elijah that is with us now (Malachi 4:5-6)

Abba is gathering His set-apart ones into the Covenant of Abba Yahuwah once again, so that we join with Him in celebration of the reign of His Son!

HalleluYah! Chag Sameach!

Yedidah, September 25, 2018 (Sukkot eve)


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