
“Podcast DXXX: The Olympics 2024, the Cumean Sibyl Prophecy, and the Return of Apollo” is ready for listening under “Audio Messages” on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com.

This is not just an overview of the most demonic Olympics ceremony to date, the most blasphemous ceremony, but I go into the ancient prophecy of Apollo, founder of the Olympics, and of its timing to do with the 120 year prophecy of Enoch and the return of the 200 fallen ones.

What we are seeing now goes back before the Flood in Noah’s day, a return to what caused Yahuwah to have to destroy mankind. I give so much detailed information and quotes – so please listen carefully – it’s all important.

Tonight we enter into the month of preparation for the Fall Festivals. Use this month of T’shuva, “the return,” to make sure of your deep interactive relationship with Yahuwah and Yahushua. “Blamelessness” simply means Yahuwah, as your Abba/Daddy, sees you as an obedient and loving child whom He delights in, and who He trusts. There is no reason to correct or punish an obedient child who is kind, loving, and faithful. In Genesis 6, we read how Yahuwah trusted Noah to obey Him as a righteous child of His.

As Messiah said, “No man knows the day or hour.” American culture has hidden the ancient ways and the understand of the Bible, so that people are left dimwitted about very important things in the Bible.

If I said to you in America, “turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie” you wouldn’t think “fourth of July.” You’d think “Thanksgiving.” When He told the disciples “no man knows the day and the hour,” He was telling them that the time of His return would be during the month of Tishre. Hebrew months are determined by the sighting of the new moon on either the 29th day of the month or the 30th day. Thus, no man knows THE DAY or the HOUR.

Tishre 1 is the only month on which one of the seven festivals occurs: Feast of trumpets and shouting. It is celebrated as the creation began, as has been proven by star charts. Creation began on a Sunday and ended on a Friday. Then Messiah, the Word who spoke creation into existence, rested on the 7th day – that came to be known as “Shabbat.”

The ancient paths tell us that the sighting of the new moon by two or more witnesses in Jerusalem determines the new month. Then the shofar is blown. Read Jeremiah 6:16-17! He begged His people to go by the ancient paths, but His people said “No, we won’t do it.” Most still say that, with mocking tone. Roman Emperor Constantine changed Saturday Shabbat to Sunday, as he was a worshipper of the sun god Mithra. Even the Catholic Catechism says he did that.

To go by western culture, American culture, the culture of Greece and Rome, we are detached from understanding much of the Bible’s ancient paths of Yahuwah from creation. Thus the throwing away of the OLD TESTAMENT by Christianity in general. Yet, nothing changed except the end of animal sacrifices and the priesthood that did the animal sacrifices.

Having said that: Will tonight, August 5th, begin the new month of Elul, or do we wait till the eve of August 6th? The months are either 29 days or 30 days long.

Soon I’ll hear if the new moon is sighted in Jerusalem by two or more witnesses and I’ll let you know.

Elul is the month of preparation for the Fall Festivals: 1) Yom Teruah, Feast of Trumpets, Tishre 1, 2) Yom Kippur, Tishre 10, 3) Sukkot, Tishre 15. Sukkot – Feast of Tabernacles. Messiah returns on Yom Kippur, “the day of the lifting of the bridal veil,” the day of the wedding. Abba showed me that years ago. Recently I watched a Jonathan Cahn video in which he said the same thing. He always confirms what He tell us!

Listen to this podcast to learn things that speak of why Yahuwah has to judge the people of earth, why He has to allow the Beast to rule, why He has to allow His wrath to reach its peak – all in preparation for His Son’s return. In the midst of it all, He has a remnant who will go forth for Him in the earth, but oh the training of this remnant so that they KNOW Him!

Shalom, in His love, Yedidah – August 5, 2024

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