
“Podcast DXXVIII: Growing Uneasiness – Deeper Into the Time Tunnel” is ready for listening under “Audio Teachings” on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com.

This is a short podcast but has a lot of concentrated information, like Canadian Prepper’s update on current happenings, a deeply felt exhortation from Pastor Benjamin Faircloth, and my giving my reason for being silent for a while – around my very special birthday.

So many things are coming down in the world system, as lies and deceptions are at an all-time high, and as we prepare for the “ancient paths” new moon sighting for Elul. Elul is our preparatory month for the Fall Festivals, the month of Teshuvah/the “return” via repentance and submission to Yahuwah. Then we come to Tishre 1 with the 10 “days of awe” from Yom Teruah to Yom Kippur, then Sukkot. Then after that the time of the sailing of Noah’s ark in Heshvan. This year, those events are going to be very special and precious, as they speak of past, present, and future for all of us.

Under the Mikvah of the Covenant are articles that will prepare you for the Fall Festivals: 8.0, 19.0, 31.0, 39.0 and 51.0.

I’m overwhelmed at what Abba is showing me – showing all who are hearing Him. We’re at a time when doors are closing behind and opening ahead. We’re in the final time-tunnel, but there are several stages to pass through on the way to the end of it and the coming of Yahushua Messiah. This Tishre 1 we go into a time of great change, as prophetic events accelerate greatly, and Abba’s judgment gets more serious for the “lukewarm Christian or Messianic, and for the world’s people.

It’s almost past time for a lot of preparation, but still a short time is left. The preparation that takes the longest is the re-arrangement of our mental and emotional processing so that all is rooted, grounded, stable, firmly planted in the Word of Yahuwah and personal relationship with He and His Son. He is personally known through trials and tribulations more than any other way. It takes time for a carnal mind to be totally submitted to the Spirit of Yahuwah. Even though a true new birth opens the door for knowing Yahuwah and Yahushua, it is no guarantee that a person will continue, especially in mind-boggling times that we’re entering.

We must take our relationship with Yahuwah very seriously, and our obedience to Him must be impeccable. His Word is our guide through to the Kingdom. Only His Spirit within can teach us what we need to know and speak to us when we need instant direction.

Shalom, Yedidah – July 27, 2024


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