Shalom, blessings:

“Podcast DXXVII: True Repentance! Why Is It A Necessity, Especially Now?” is ready for listening under “Audio Messages” on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com.

This is a power-packed message for everyone who will enter the Kingdom of Yahuwah and Yahushua. This message is taken from the foundation-teaching laid by Pastor Benjamin Faircloth, of Ignited Church, Lavonia, Georgia, July 12, 2024.

The title Pastor Faircloth chose for his teaching on a recent Steve Quayle Broadcast: “Unless You Repent, the Sword Will Never Leave Your House.”

We are entering a time period of much finality, eternal finality. I amplify what Pastor taught and share Psalm 51, the repentance of King David after having Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah, killed in battle so that he, David, could marry her.

King David was not aware of his sin being anything to concern himself with UNTIL the prophet Nathan confronted him. King David realized the ramifications of what he had done and was in terror/fear of losing the Presence of God in his life.

The strong prayer of David’s repentance that we read in Psalm 51 did not end the reality of what he had done. It wasn’t a “sorry God” prayer that he prayed either. But, the backlash of “cause and effect” kicked in, and David had a lifetime of sorry over his own children, one even trying to kill him. The first child of David and Bathsheba died. He saw the result of his sin. Today’s religion that was once rooted in the Bible is allowing sin with no repentance necessary. However, Yahuwah does not change! Malachi 3:6! Yahuwah is a Father, a good Father – and a good Father has to judge and punish his wayward, rebellious, children.

Sin has backlash to it that can continue on for generations, into children, grandchildren. Only the blood of Yahushua/Jesus and the cleansing of it, and the mercy of it, heals and brings conclusions on those future generations who cling to Him for salvation. It all starts with living a repentant life.

This is a powerful message! Take it to heart. Yahuwah is in judgment mode, first of all over the “household of faith.” He is bringing conclusions to His own people, as well as the world’s people. The ending of the age of Laodicea as I have written about and podcasted about, has ended its attempts to wake up the body of Yahushua. It’s not that people can’t be born again now, they can – HalleluYah. But the age of grace extended to sinners is fast closing too. I explain more of that in this podcast. I did some studying on the solar calendar of the Essenes to understand their time frame of 2025 for the end of the “age of grace” on their solar calendar. I was surprised to learn that the Essene calendar year was 355 days, as the Gregorian calendar is 365 days long for our year – only 10 days different. The Essenes were Zadok Priests under the reign of King David to the time of the Hasmoneans put into the priesthood in Jerusalem, causing the true Zadok Priesthood to flee to Qumran. The Essenes were a godly priesthood. They prophesied a lot about these end times, very accurately.

Lucifer’s “Beast,” world ruler, Revelation 13, is preparing for his reign. 97-98% of once-real-Christians have turned against the basics even for salvation in the western world, especially America. “To everything there is an end” the Bible says – that means Abba’s tolerance of evil – in the world, in the lost, but in His own people primarily.

Powerful podcast, using notes from Pastor’s Faircloth’s teaching. Very deep. Very profound. Very humbling. May we be ready as we enter a time of Abba’s cleansing, purging, preparing His house for His Son’s return.

In His love, Yedidah – July 18, 2024




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