
“Podcast DXXV: You Cannot Know the Ancient of Days If You Are Bound by American Doctrine.”

This podcast is now posted under “Audio Teaching” on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com.

“THE BIBLE IS NOT AN AMERICAN DOCUMENT” said one of my best friends in north-Israel. She was right. It is an ancient document – the very word of the Eternal Yahuwah.

We must focus on the finish line! It’s in sight now. As we enter 2025 on the Creator’s calendar of Tishre 1, we enter a great and vast change in many ways, as all prophecy is being fulfilled now leading to the return of our Messiah.

The sowing of falsehood about the “God of the Old Testament,” verses the “God of the New Testament” is huge in Christianity – and the truth is fragmented into tens of thousands of belief systems, all dependent on what some human has come up with as far as “doctrine.” This messing with the purity of His Word began in the 1st century CE. The apostles fought this. It got worse and worse, until Emperor Constantine in the 4th century CE created doctrines to unite his people in Rome.

Going back to the original languages, and the original ancient culture, we come to know the real Father as a real Father, and a real Son, as a real Son. The Spirit of Yahuwah becomes our Teacher. (John 16)

Jeremiah 6:16-17 is the basis of His grief: “Thus says Yahuwah, `Stand by the roads and see/look, and ask for the ancient paths where the good way is and find rest for your souls. But, they said, `We will not walk in it.’ I set watchmen over you saying `Pay attention to the sound of the shofar.’ But they said, `We will not pay attention.’”

This flippant, mocking, attitude towards the Word’s absolutes has taken over to the point where the Word in once “Christian” nations is now considered a book of fables, moral stories no more and no less by the majority of churches in the Christian world. Most do not even believe in a real Devil or in fallen angels or Nephilim. Basically, it is because they do not believe the truth of the Bible.

What I present to you in podcasts and articles is the whole of the Word from the ancient ways of understanding the real Father and the real Son. Man has muddied the truth to the point where people ask “what is truth,” in a mocking tone of voice.

Messiah said in Matthew 10, that in our day, mankind will hate us for His Name’s sake. Yes, the Bible is considered a “hate crime book” clear to the International Court of the Hague, Netherlands. Yes, Christians are considered potential terrorists and dangerous on the FBI list of 70+ groups in America.

Yet, Deuteronomy 8 tells us that we live by EVERY WORD that proceeds from the mouth of Yahuwah – both the Logos (written word) and His Rhema (spoken word) to us personally. He always confirms the spoke words, for “in the mouth of two of three witnesses, let every word be established.”

Yahuwah is now as “in the days of Noah,” and judgment is falling as globalists rise to take over the earth for Lucifer/Satan. Yet, many Christians do not even believe in a Satan nowadays, even though he is clearly spoken of in passages like Isaiah 14, and Revelation 12 etc. Most do not even read the Bible anymore.

I know! Since the night I was baptized in the Spirit, Lucifer began trying to attack me. I saw and heard from him several times at that time, also in a clear dream, and then in a personal encounter in Israel in 2006. He is actually afraid of those who are anointed by Yahuwah’s Spirit and proclaim His Word.

I am addicted to, passionate about, and constantly studying, the Word of Yahuwah, as the Spirit of Yahuwah continues His teaching to me since 1963. Everything He has taught and shown me, and spoken to me regarding events now, has been confirmed and is coming to pass. So, what I share with you is 100% accurate by the witness of many watchmen. Yet, the deceivers run wild with their fantastic ideas to sooth and make happy the people who trust Jesus/Yeshua for salvation.

Few want truth. Most just want to be entertained. Have you noticed that many of the true teachers of truth now are speaking from the book of Jeremiah? I podcasted that book in 2023. I recommend that you tap into the preaching/teaching of Pastor Benjamin Faircloth, of Ignited Church of Lavonia, Georgia for his Sunday sermons as well as his interviews with those like Jamie Walden and Steve Quayle. He is not afraid to tell the truth.

But now, I realize that my time of warning is coming towards an end. I just know that as we go into 2025 on the Creator’s calendar, Yahuwah will move in to fulfill all those 200+ prophecies of His Son’s return. We in America, especially, are in a pot of boiling water and the heat is being turned up to boiling. Christians who listen to the false prophet “God is a happy God” rhetoric, are so soothed that they do not realize they are dying – spiritually – and will die physically.

In His love, shalom, Yedidah July 11, 2024




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