
Podcast DXXIV: Walking With the Ancient of Days” is ready for listening under “Audio Messages” on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com

The Transcript Article for this podcast is #109.0 under the Mikvah of the Great Adventure, entitled “Pastor Benjamin Faircloth: `Anointed to Die’ Acts 1:1-4

So, how did “Anointed to Die” end up as “Walking With the Ancient of Days?”

Smile! I start this Podcast with Daniel 7 which is a perfect introduction to why we must be anointed to die to self, first of all, then be prepared to die for the Master if need be rather than deny Him. Abba wants us free of all influence of our spiritual enemies. He wants us free to follow His ways that lead to Life, joy, peace.

This message is for all of Abba’s children! This podcast instructs about a great journey that Messiah set before us in Acts 1 – and about the great joy we will have where we end up – if we don’t give up.

His ways appear hard, but actually they are the easier road in the long run, bringing us His Presence, love, joy and peace, plus freedom from soulish bondage to mind and emotional instability.

Oh the joy of not having to rule our own life, making mistakes with wrong turns, and ending up in anger, frustration, tears.

This simple message ties all together! As we walk in obedience and submission to the “Ancient of Days,” we will end up as those in Daniel 7 who overcome all and spend eternity in His Kingdom realm forever. “The wise will understand,” Daniel 12.

Blessings! Happy Rosh Chodesh tonight,

July 7, 2024, Yedidah

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