“Podcast CLXXXII: I Just Have to Tell It” is ready for listening under Audio Messages on
This podcast starts out with humor from my life of “telling.” We gotta have some humor in the midst of this global oppression!
I also go into the latest mind-control technology and teach how to continue with the mind of Messiah in your Spirit. I talk about using this time to build your faith. I am podcasting to build your faith and get rid of fear. “The wicked flee when no man pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.” It is the Spirit within our re-born spirit who gives us the boldness we must have to eliminate all fear.
Messiah told His disciples to go back to Jerusalem and wait for the infilling of the Spirit to be “clothed from on high.” Without this empowering, which often comes by waiting in His Presence, we’re not equipped to go through what is to come!!!
Religion separates us from Yahuwah, separates us from His ability to speak to us. Religion is dependency on man to teach and tell people what to do. It is no different than what is proposed by the world government – it is a Nimrod thing.
Religion began with Nimrod. It’s a stronghold of Satan. Get out of it all and be free. The Spirit of Yahuwah is the only One who has the right to teach you. Man can confirm as He wills, but our instruction must be directly from Him so that our belief is grounded on solid rock, not sinking sand.
The only way to total freedom is total submission to the Spirit of Yahuwah as we allow Him free reign in our re-born spirit. He as the power to unite our soul (mind, emotions, will) to our re-born spirit. You can’t do it – only He can do it as we submit our every thought to Messiah, thus to the Spirit of Yahuwah. (II Corinthians 10:3-6)
If possible, send your love-gifts to support the work of Yahuwah through me via Pay Pal – under the contact tab on the main page. I don’t know when I can go to the Post Office next to get checks sent there. So far, I don’t think the Post Office isn’t closed down, or the banks. But, the controlling globalists via the beast system of the United Nations is talking about a cashless society and digital money. We need wisdom. Thus, you must hear from the Spirit so He can direct you to protect you. Wow, do we need wisdom from on High!
In His love, Yedidah
March 25, 2020