Podcast CLXXXI: The Creative Power of the Tongue


“Podcast CLXXXI: The Creative Power of the Tongue” is ready for listening under Audio Messages on comeenterthemikvah.com.

This is one of my most powerful podcasts. This teaching is radical, but the results of what I share is total peace, joy, and freedom.

The Spirit was very strong on me as I spoke it. Abba gave me some revelation of His thinking as I went along. I don’t want to say one word that is outside of the perfect will of Yahuwah! I am experiencing such amazing peace and joy. It is sure not me – it’s the Presence of Yahuwah and Yahushua because I “abide” “dwell” in Their Presence.

I have written many articles and spoken in many podcasts on how to abide and dwell. It has zero to do with any religion of man which is under man’s control. Unless He has 100% freedom to control you, you have no freedom.

As the vice of this world begins to close in on us more and more, we lift up our head, because our redemption draws near.

I will be putting this into an article. Please share as led by the Spirit.

Shalom, joy, blessings, in His love, Yedidah

March 22, 2020

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