Podcast CLXXX: Grounded on the Rock of Our Salvation

Shabbat Shalom!

“Podcast CLXXX: Grounded on the Rock of Our Salvation” is ready for listening.

This short podcast is for encouragement, faith-building, and grounding on the Rock. In it, twice, the microphone fell onto the floor – just slipped off it’s Strong’s Concordance platform! I need the eye surgery to clear off the blurriness and black spots. I was trying to get closer to the light to see the Bible text. Inserted humor …

Abba Yahuwah wants us grounded, solid, unmovable, unshakable in the storm of the final days we’ve entered now.

Last night America and the northern hemisphere in general went into spring a little early, making it a historic event – first time since 1896. Read that article about the message-connection, posted about three days ago under Recent Articles of Present Reality, 179.0.

Last night I listened to a discussion between Dave Hodges and Steve Quayle about the “tribulation.” I never thought I’d hear a Bible study from Steve Quayle. They both agreed, we’ve entered “great tribulation.” The time of our redemption draws nearer and nearer. Messiah will cut short the days. He will make them “few,” for the few on the narrow path to the narrow gate. This is very comforting! The long-planned events leading to world government are in the works.

The compacting of events is amazing. Our Abba is no sadist. The Flood was six weeks, not 7 years or 3½ years. Noah and family rode high on the waters and were delivered. The rest of the world sank under the waters to their damnation. We’re called to go through, like Noah. Abba doesn’t drag things out – like those waiting for Friday the 13th, April 2029 for “mid-tribulation” and a huge asteroid to hit earth with a name meaning “the dragon of chaos.” Huge asteroids are already skimming earth’s atmosphere, and yes, Revelation 8:6-9 is near. Earth has entered a debris field from space – giant rocks flying all over the place, and affecting the sun and other planets of our solar system. Can you imagine this intensity continuing until 2032 waiting on our Messiah? So much for man’s date-setting.

Let’s proclaim Psalm 32, 33, 34, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100 – and etc. He wants us to maintain a steady faith, bringing peace and joy at all times no matter what we hear or what comes at us until “that Day.”

Be sure you have enough groceries to last a month, water, and medicines you need, – and don’t forget the toilet paper (smile) – if you can find it for sale anywhere.

Prepare your soul (mind/emotions) by sitting in Abba’s Presence to absorb His peace, joy, and strength. Boldness will come, and you’ll be just fine.

Already those 70 and older are under lockdown in England. Those younger can get out a little, but the lockdown is happening. It’s coming to America. Don’t believe anything specific until it is enforced by the President in a public speech. So many rumors are flying.

Be sure you’ve heard the music video in “The Power of His Love,” Mikvah of Eternal Salvation. Feel His Presence!

In His love, Yedidah

March 20, 2020

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