Podcast CLXXVIII: Breaking News! Behold the Giant Seven in the Field of No Leaven

Shalom! Shalom!

“Podcast CXXLVII: Breaking News: Behold the Giant Seven in the Field of No Leaven” is ready for listening.

Got your TP? Panic over TP… stores sold out. It’s really hilarious at the insanity, craziness, and stupidity of people who clean out the stores of America of toilet paper, even in Blue Ridge, Georgia as my youngest daughter reported, and Montana, reported by the second daughter, and yet there is are still some bags of beans and rice left – lentils are gone in our Walmart. The panic-buying is for real. My son said that in southwest Fort Worth they could find no TP. But, in a little country town to the south, there was plenty of it.

In the article I posted a few days ago on the panic buying, I show pictures of people crowded into Cosco. My daughter in Montana said it was like that in her town’s Cosco.

I share some humor to begin this podcast with a classic statement by Steve Quayle. He lives not far from my Montana daughter. The media, as it was in Germany under Hitler, is the fear-producing agency to mind-program people into panic, so that the N.W.O. agenda can go forth, and people do as they’re told, or programmed to think and do, and allow the new order to take over. It’s all about conditioning the world’s people to lay down and let the powers that be tell them what to do, to submit to whatever they say.

Proverbs says “The wicked flee when no man pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.” It’s not just the wicked who are going into bunkers now, well stocked with food and supplies, but the “believers” are panicking and some are even self-quarantining.

Yesterday was a big one – Israel shut its borders; Jordan shut its borders; Trump blocked all incoming planes and ships from Europe (not the UK or Ireland, but all of Europe.). Universities are closed. Even Disneyland in California is closed. Military “medical”-enforced quarantine is being enforced in Rochelle, N.Y. and San Francisco is also near quarantine.

Yesterday I had an eye exam, got new glasses, and was told I need lazar surgery on both eyes which are covered by a film, blurring my vision and causing the black spots to appear. And what do I do about dental surgery? Abba just gives peace to keep going while I can to take care of myself. I can’t make decisions based on what my mind says or emotions, or what others say. I must do only what He allows and gives peace for.

As Paul Begley’s guest, Rex Bear, says, this is a test – a test for people reactions to being told what to do, shut down, quarantined, under military patrol, etc, because what is coming is far worse. I believe it is a test of how well the news media can mind control the people into giving up their rights for security. “The U.N., the government, our elected officials – they’ll take care of us, as long as we do what we’re told.” This is what they’re after! Where is your faith anchored?

While this podcast has a message from Yahuwah, the way I got the message is humorous. He wants His children to maintain peace, joy, love, self-control, faith, gentleness, etc. – thus we will be able to witness of our faith in Yahuwah and Yahushua to others who wonder why we are so peaceful in an atmosphere of panic.

We the light to the world that you’re supposed to be – now’s your chance to really shine bright!

In His love, Yedidah

March 13, 2020

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