Podcast CLXXIX: Disobedience Almost Cost Me My Life

Shalom! Shalom!

“Podcast CLXXIX: Disobedience Almost Cost Me My Life” is now ready for listening. It’s real exhortation and a pleading to learn what I almost didn’t learn in time to save my life. However, Abba knows how to get very strong with those He loves to save them from their own stubborn decisions. I give you exhortation and advice, but also a lot to think about.

This podcast begins with very relevant breaking news.

I’ve written about dental surgery and eye surgery. The eye surgery is scheduled soon. It is lazar surgery on both eyes. I ask for your prayers the morning of April 3rd at 10:15 AM CDT.

I’ve written to you about dental surgery, its expense, and 3 month’s procedure. I’ve asked Abba about it. As far as advice, three said to do it, three said not to do it. I just go by what Abba says. I maintain peace, and do nothing without His absolute input. I knew I had to call the dental office this morning to tell them my decision. I couldn’t just leave them on hold. I told the doctor that I was postponing, not cancelling. She said this: “We are on an hour to hour basis now; we don’t know when we’ll have to shut down.” CONFIRMATION! All is well. If there is a clearance in time, I’ll go ahead with it. It needs it done. Thank you for your prayers. It’s not cheap, but the eye surgery won’t cost an exorbitant amount.

It is so hard to make plans now. The shutting down of international travel is sad to me. But, even airlines within countries are suffering financially. It’s one big precursor to global control.

Beginning this podcast, I give you breaking news to show you that this is not about a virus, but about world takeover, mind-control of the masses, and the goals of one world government. The Beast system is rising over the whole earth in preparation for the coming of the Beast himself. World power is rising, like with the WHO. The Beast represents the seven nations that have stood against Yahuwah in the past, clear back before the Flood. He is a composite of them all. His government will reflect the goals of Nimrod, aka Osiris, aka Apollo/Apollyon.

All of this is a fallen angel plan, and Yahuwah will only let that go so far. Pastor McQueen at the Prayer Center I attend had a very detailed dream from Messiah. He said He was coming very soon. The dream showed how Yahuwah and Yahushua see Their people – the state of their spirit and soul. I’ll relate that later. So much to podcast; so much to report in writing. I will only report on the most important things that we all need to know.

In His love, Yedidah

March 17, 2020



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