Podcast CLXXIV: Hearing From Yahuwah – Knowing the End From the Beginning


“Podcast CLXXIV: Hearing From Yahuwah – Knowing the End From the Beginning” is now ready for listening.

This is the fourth podcast of teaching on how to hear from Abba and how to know His nature, ways, and thinking. This is a strong admonition. I give you secrets of breakthrough, ways of flowing with His will, perfect timing, and leading.

I am passionately sharing these teachings because the time is short, and His people in the affluent nations of Greco-Roman culture have almost zero understanding of how He works, thinks, and leads us forward. Knowing Him, there is no fear as we act on what our Abba/Daddy tells us to do.

Few understand the nature of Yahuwah. Most do not know Him, thus they do not know Yahushua either, nor can they as long as they try to control their own lives. Yahushua is identical with His Father in nature, ways, and thinking.

If you put the instructions I’ve been giving for so many years into practice, especially in these podcasts and like articles, you will “ride the high places of the earth” and be in constant contact with Yahuwah and His Son, our soon-coming King. I am pleading with His people to prepare for what is coming so fast upon us by knowing Yahuwah and by knowing Yahushua intimately

Be sure to put into practice the instructions in “Waiting on Yahuwah! Waiting on Yahushua!” under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim. There are three articles with this introductory title, all with instructions that must be put into practice in order to clearly move forward, hearing from Yahuwah.

He tells us the end from the beginning. Unless you hear Him in your re-born spirit, and act on what He says to us personally through the Word, or directly from His heart to your spirit, how can you proceed to the end if you do not understand the beginning? He speaks to the re-born spirit, not the volatile carnal soul! He is very personal. We must allow Him to be in control of us 100% in order to proceed forward across the preverbal “red sea” to the “promised land.”

In His love, Yedidah

March 5, 2020


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