Shalom, blessings:
“Podcast CLXXIII: Flowing in the Miraculous” is ready for listening under Audio Teachings on
I am getting comments that the podcasts on attacking fear and how to overcome what appears to be insurmountable are helping people build their faith. If the instructions are put into practice, all fear will go. Please be sure to follow the instructions for hearing from Abba under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim: “Waiting on Yahuwah! Waiting on Yahushua–3 articles with that beginning title”
In this podcast I share stories of learning to flow in the miraculous, as I grew to understand Yahuwah’s nature, ways, and thinking, and how His perfect timing is always miraculous. He tells us beforehand what He will do, and what He expects us to do. As we obey, we see the amazing timing of His answers. As we flow in His perfect will, His perfect timing kicks in. If there is an obstacle in our way, He removes it so that we go forward to do His will. His will is unstoppable. Our will is so often stoppable and falls to the ground, bringing disappointment. But, when we flow in His will in obedience to what He has told us in our re-born spirit, by His Spirit, then it’s a sure thing.
He says, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” That word “forsake” means to let go of, to loosen. The Hebrew picture is: I will never strand you along the roadside with no help.
But, many times a day, His people tie His hands from being able to help them because they are not flowing in His will, but in their own will. If a person wants to control their own life by their reasoning, their feelings, their analyzing, their efforts, He quietly backs off. He is either allowed 100% free will in our life, or He can’t work with us to help us. If we don’t take our hands off of the problem, He can’t do anything. He respects our free will.
People are going to panic in the days ahead and cry out “oh God help,” but how can He? He has to know you as one of His children, in intimate mutual relationship of trust and love. This by-passes all religion! Religion is controlled by man. Those who are “religious” are controlled by man’s opinions, so how can Yahuwah break through all those barriers to give His opinion? He can’t and He won’t.
This is another in a series of podcasts that I will be doing for some time to prepare His people for overcoming and enduring unto eternal life in the Kingdom.
In His love, Yedidah
March 4, 2020