Podcast CLXXI: When Situations Appear Insurmountable


“When Situations Appear Insurmountable” is ready for listening under Audio Teachings on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com

Like the podcast on “The Historic January 2020,” it would be a very difficult project for me to write out what Abba had me say in this podcast. In this podcast the anointing of Yahuwah was upon me as He spoke to you through me. When under the anointing, the mind is resting. Thus, you’ll have to listen to it to get the full impact of His words to you. I give you secrets that churches and messianic congregations are not sharing with their people about how to overcome and have victory in the face of insurmountable odds. Yes, we hear clichés – but they go in one ear and out the other.

Abba speaks to us personally, giving us instructions as to how to break through, as He did to Moses in Exodus 14. Sometimes, His methods are strange to our reasoning, like Elisha telling Naaman to go dip in the Jordan seven times to be healed of his leprosy.

This is why we must submit our every thought to Him, so that we only hear His words from our spirit and not the wrangling of man’s theology or good intentions of advice-givers. We must hear “thus saith Yahuwah” for ourselves!

Abba is very creative in creating deliverances of all types to bring breakthroughs and victory in the face of darkness and hopelessness. I’ve been at the place of insurmountable odds many, many times.

Always, by resting in His love, in His Presence, getting His strategies for what you should do, there is breakthrough. He says “Be still! Know that I am Elyon.” He is the Most High, the Most powerful, the Most personal Deity, as a Father, who will bring you the victory.

I give you the worst things you can do, which block His help. I show you the secrets of working with Him. I take the exhortation from many sources, like II Chronicles chapters 18, 19, and 20. How did Jehoshaphat get so spirit in II Chronicles 20? How did he learn his lesson and gain such profound wisdom? He almost lost his life learning.

Abba’s ways work every time. However, we must align to His requirements for victory! If we don’t align – no victory, no breakthrough.

I will be doing other podcasts like this one – for a remnant is going “through,” and we want to be part of that remnant!

Blessings, Yedidah

March 2, 2020


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