Shabbat Shalom!

“Podcast CLXX: Let’s Attack Fear and Destroy It Forever!” is ready for listening under “Audio Teachings” on comeenterthemikvah.com.

This is one of the most powerful broadcasts, under one of the strongest anointings, that I’ve ever spoken. I share a lot more here than I do in the written article by the same name/Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim, posted yesterday.

I open up more of my life’s testimony and how I learned to overcome fear. I was consumed with fear, worry, fretting, anxiety, most of my life until He taught me what stops all of those things. The secret is not centered in spiritual warfare though that is involved, but in knowing how much we’re loved, wanted, needed, appreciated, and special to Yahuwah and Yahushua!

When we get hold of personal relationship with our Abba-Daddy and our Beloved Savior, and how important we are to Them, then we change our view of our self, and others. Once we see ourselves in the light of Their reality and how precious we are to Them, we realize how precious They are to us.

Please share this podcast far and wide with as many as you can. This is for all born again believers, no matter where they are in their walk with Elohim – Christian or Messianic. This is for the lost also to learn the joy of living in relationship with Father and Son. If you have no fear and are at peace and joy in the midst of the current battles we face, then you can share with them this information – which includes “the true new birth.”

Even if they reject it the message, family, neighbors, friends, or strangers, when things get really frightening they’ll come to you to find out why you’re not “freaking out.” Then you can take them to Yahushua for His personal touch.

You will become the strong tower where they can come to for refuge and to learn to have what you have. If you’re part of the fearful crowd, how can you show them the reality of Yahuwah and His powerful Son to come? You’ll take others down with you. In this light, our decisions from now on carry eternal weight, for us and others around us. Choose well…

Blessings, shalom, Yedidah

February 28, 2020

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