Shabbat Shalom!
“Podcast CLXVIII: Top Kabbalist Rabbi is in Discussion With Messiah Himself,” is ready for listening.
I will be writing this out as an article also, but the podcast, as always, has spur-of-the-moment statements that come from the Spirit, giving deeper revelation of what is being said.
In this podcast I compare some of the statements from “Prophecy From Messiah…” which I wrote about and podcasted a couple of days ago. In this podcast and the article about this top rabbi’s discussion with their messiah, you will see the totally un-Scriptural reasoning of the traditions of the Babylonian Talmud and Kabbalah. Please, read the 22 articles I wrote from my intense study on the Noahide Laws, and now their global rule.
The “camps” I’ve been writing about is where the Noahide Laws will be carried out in America, and also worldwide. This is the fulness of the 5th seal that is looming ahead, along with the coming of their Kabbalist messiah–a bloodthirst warrior they call “the Holy Serpent,” “Leviathan,” and “Metatron.”
Learn from those articles under the Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal inheritance, what rabbinic Judaism really believes. Read the 1st article “Beware of the Noahide Laws,” under the Mikvah of Present Reality. The other 21 articles give you the history behind the set-up for world rule, and give you up-to-date information on how these laws are the foundation of laws that have sent America to war, to full-term abortion, to pedophilia, to lying, deceiving, and twisting of truth. America did not start out that way. The universities taught the Bible, elementary schools taught the Bible. There was prayer in school.
Learn all you can about what is very close to changing life forever.
I give you Scriptures to read that will edify you – like Psalms 96, 97, 98, 99, and 100, Revelation 19 and Revelation 22:1-7. Our future is so wonderful!
In His love, Yedidah
February 21, 2020