Greetings, Shalom!
“Podcast CLXVII: Epic Locust Plague Destroying Green Things – Exodus 10, Joel 2, Revelation 9” is now ready for listening under “Audio Teachings” on
This is a podcast of “The Hidden Message in the Epic Locust Plague – the Timing of Yahuwah Revealed.”
Our Abba gives clues to His timing, and what He is doing, and what the enemy is doing, all through the Word. He uses key words to cross-reference. We are watching, in the natural realm, and the spiritual realm, the Joel 2 invasion of “entities,” that aligns back to Exodus 10, and forwards to Revelation 9.
“Prophecy From Messiah…” which was posted and podcasted in the last 2 days, aligns perfectly with what is revealed in these chapters. I talk about the last 7-year cycle and things to watch for as mid-cycle is crossed. In that prophecy, He brings forward the timing of His Father, in relation to His return. It has confirmed to me so many things that Yahuwah began explaining in 2007 to me, and to many others.
The enormity of this plague is shocking. It’s now inside China from Pakistan.
China with coronavirus, swine flu, bird flu, mosquito infestation, crow infestation, and now locust infestation is under great judgment. However, the true believers, well over 200,000,000 in China see this as an opportunity to spread the Good News of salvation. Oh how Abba delights in them! Many of these will fill the ranks of the Revelation 7:9-17 group in the throne room of Yahuwah.
Please read the articles in order of their posting, and listen to the podcasts in order of their posting … I build information as I get it from Abba.
What is He showing you? The Spirit teaches all of His children the same things.
I will be writing perhaps today, giving three dreams from a dear sister in South Africa, that go along with His warnings for His children to Prepare.
In His love, Yedidah
February 20, 2020