PODCAST CLXVI: Prophecy From Messiah – The Seal Judgments


“Podcast CLXVI: Prophecy From Messiah – The Seal Judgments” is ready for listening. This is based on the recent article “Prophecy from Messiah…”/Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.

This is my first podcast on my new computer. About 4 minutes into the podcast the screen of the Spreaker studio went black. I hit enter and it came back on. That’s new. No bubbles to let me know it’s going off.  So, if you hear a pause and think I’ve gone off-line, I come back in a few seconds. I just need to adjust. The podcast has a lot more explanation than the written article.

One more thing: I got an e-mail from a lady who said she got no letter announcing the February 8th podcast about “Historic January 2020.” I believe I sent out a letter. I don’t keep the letters, so if you have it, please send me a copy. I urge you to listen to that podcast to understand the acceleration we’re seeing now.

I’ve read the prophecy from Messiah over and over. It gets more numbing as I relate it to Scripture, but also relate it to what Abba has shown me since at least 2007 to do with the way He reckons time. He’s not on a time-clock like those in the West. He doesn’t tell us what date the months fall on ahead of time, or the Festivals. He expects us to be good ancient desert dwellers and sight the new moon from Jerusalem and go by the stage of the barley for Aviv 1 – the head of the Festival calendar. Yesterday I posted a really good update by Brian at abibofgod telling of the heavy rains in Israel, and how the barley crop is far from being in the aviv stage in time for a March Passover. So, we have an Adar Bet year. That’s under the Mikvah of the Covenant.

Brian’s letter also has the projected Festival times according to the timing of the new moons in 2020. Of course, to get it exact, the ancient paths tell us to sight it from Jerusalem with our eyes. Since most of us can’t do that, we depend on those in Jerusalem in tune with the Creator’s calendar like Deborah’s Date Tree – Devorah Gordon. I will let you know when Adar Bet begins in a few days.

This “Prophecy From Messiah…” to Byron Searles is awesome. It is so right on – so in tune with the Master’s way of reasoning – so in tune with the Word – so in tune with the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah, that I marvel. Enjoy the first podcast from my new computer. It actually worked fine.

The horses are running at full speed! Stay in His peace, joy, praise, and freedom …

In His love, Yedidah

February 19, 2020




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