Podcast CLXV: Weaponizing Praise and Proclamation


“Podcast CLXV: Weaponizing Praise and Proclamation” is now ready for listening. This podcast was given to encourage His people to stop the hamster wheel effect, or the dog chasing its tail effect of most people’s lives, so that you go straight forward into your transformation that must occur in preparation for eternal life. The only reason why Moses and the children of Ya’cob had to walk around in the wilderness for 40 years was because of their sin, their nature that was not aligned to Yahuwah’s nature, ways, and thinking. They could have made it into the land in less than two weeks after crossing the Red Sea.

If we don’t learn this lesson, you will mentally stay on the wheel, or chasing your tail, and not be ready for great tribulation ahead. Yahuwah has to test, and we must pass His tests to go on.

Don’t get bogged down with the overwhelming events that signal the coming of anti-messiah, and depopulation of earth. It’s scary, I know. But, we must program our mind to immediately praise Elohim, in order to keep our peace, and give the enemy not one second of our time. If you fear Yahuwah more than man and devils, you’ll remain in peace. We have work to do for the Master before He comes.

In His love, Yedidah

February 13, 2020

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