Podcast CLXIX: Allegiance to the World’s Greatest Revolutionary in the World’s Greatest Revolution

Shalom! Blessings! Happy Rosh Chodesh day 1 of Adar Bet.

“Podcast CLXIX: Allegiance to the World’s Greatest Revolutionary in the World’s Greatest Revolution” is ready for listening under Audio Teachings on comeenterthemikvah.com.

I went out to pay my apartment rent this morning, and an icy wind hit me and numbed my fingers. It felt like 20F. I had not been that cold since I was in Russia the winter of 1999 when it got down to 30 below zero Celsius. I was out in that cold every day. In Turkey and in Norway, houses and cars are being dug out of 20 feet of snow. An icy storm is due to hit 7 states this weekend in the U.S. It’s not spring yet! It’s a good day to be encouraged by the Word and invigorated in our faith and loyalty to our soon coming Master and King.

I wrote a letter to all subscribers of explanation, encouragement, and exhortation this morning. I said I’d put the ways of sending offerings below the letter, but I didn’t do that did I? So that information is below.

Please let me hear what Abba is saying to you. The remnant is uniting as those who are Spirit-taught are being drawn together by the Spirit of Yahuwah. We need to share what He is showing us, so that we’re all encouraged and our faith strengthened. It is a glorious time for those who live Psalm 91:1. Knowing our Abba and our Messiah in personal relationship, communicating as Friends, gives us awesome peace and joy, freedom, and great expectation for our future.

Onward and upward! Forward march!

In His love, Yedidah

February 26, 2020

For sending offerings/love gifts or tithe:

1) Address for 2019: Make out checks or money orders and the envelope to Charlotte Townsend and mail to: P.O. Box 34502, Fort Worth, Texas 76162

PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS so that I can thank you, and also get to know you, hear your prayer requests, and encourage you in your walk of faith!

2) Or use the Pay Pal option under “Contact” on comeenterthemikvah.com main page upper right hand corner.

Note: My son, Derek Townsend, manages my website and my Pay Pal account, so you’ll see his name when you go to send via Pay Pal, but all offerings come to me!



Shalom! Blessings! Happy Rosh Chodesh day 1 of Adar Bet.

“Podcast CLXIX: Allegiance to the World’s Greatest Revolutionary in the World’s Greatest Revolution” is ready for listening under Audio Teachings on comeenterthemikvah.com.

I went out to pay my apartment rent this morning, and an icy wind hit me and numbed my fingers. It felt like 20F. I had not been that cold since I was in Russia the winter of 1999 when it got down to 30 below zero Celsius. I was out in that cold every day. In Turkey and in Norway, houses and cars are being dug out of 20 feet of snow. An icy storm is due to hit 7 states this weekend in the U.S. It’s not spring yet! It’s a good day to be encouraged by the Word and invigorated in our faith and loyalty to our soon coming Master and King.

I wrote a letter to all subscribers of explanation, encouragement, and exhortation this morning. I said I’d put the ways of sending offerings below the letter, but I didn’t do that did I? So that information is below.

Please let me hear what Abba is saying to you. The remnant is uniting as those who are Spirit-taught are being drawn together by the Spirit of Yahuwah. We need to share what He is showing us, so that we’re all encouraged and our faith strengthened. It is a glorious time for those who live Psalm 91:1. Knowing our Abba and our Messiah in personal relationship, communicating as Friends, gives us awesome peace and joy, freedom, and great expectation for our future.

Onward and upward! Forward march!

In His love, Yedidah

February 26, 2020

For sending offerings/love gifts or tithe:

1) Address for 2019: Make out checks or money orders and the envelope to Charlotte Townsend and mail to: P.O. Box 34502, Fort Worth, Texas 76162

PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS so that I can thank you, and also get to know you, hear your prayer requests, and encourage you in your walk of faith!

2) Or use the Pay Pal option under “Contact” on comeenterthemikvah.com main page upper right hand corner.

Note: My son, Derek Townsend, manages my website and my Pay Pal account, so you’ll see his name when you go to send via Pay Pal, but all offerings come to me!



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