Shabbat Shalom!
“Podcast CLXIII: A message to us from a Chinese pastor in Wuhan” is ready for listening.
I did not intend to make this podcast. This morning I got an e-mail from a precious friend from South Africa. She sent me the letter she got from a missionary group with the message from a pastor under quarantine in Wuhan. In this podcast I also read a letter from a Chinese brother printed in Carl Lawrence’s 1985 book The Church in China – How It Survives and Prospers Under Communism. It is amazing how much those two messages are alike.
That’s because the nature of Yahuwah’s people under persecution, the way they see life, death, and the words of the Bible, is radically different than the way the lukewarm believers of the West view the Word and the requirements of Yahuwah and Yahushua. They have the nature of Yahuwah. They understand what it means to be “saved.” They understand the message: “Be reconciled to God,” from I Corinthians 5.
As a 6 year old child, my new birth was so exciting that I had to tell everyone. My youngest daughter was born again and filled with the Spirit at age 5. She immediately began sharing the Good News and praying with her classmates and other friends at school and at home. It’s natural for a child to be excited and want to share that excitement with others.
However, in the West, most all of His people have exchanged the necessary “child likeness” for intellectual religious pride in their knowledge acquired from their pastors or messianic rabbis. It’s sick – really sick! It grieves Yahuwah! Messiah said in Matthew 18:1-4 that unless we follow Him like a little child, we cannot even enter the Kingdom. Thus we have the self-righteous “believers” in Matthew 7:21-23, to whom He says, “Depart from Me, I never knew you.”
No one has to teach those under persecution that they must share their salvation experience – testimony – with others. Learn from the persecuted believers what it really means to be born again! The truly born again are children of light. If they put their light under a basket and hide it, Messiah says He’ll remove their light. If we are ashamed of Him when things are “normal,” then what will His people do when the great tribulation hits full force? How can we treat His great salvation so lightly?
They understand the infilling of the Spirit, not theologically, but as a little child receiving His gifts. Learn from those whose examples live on, like the little African slave boy, Sammy Morris, in March of Faith. His legacy lives on, even though he died in his 20s. He taught American Christians in the late 1800s what real faith meant.
The Word of Yahuwah is not an American Document! We must return to the simplicity of the Word and walk in faith like Enoch and Abraham.
This is a great podcast to listen to on Shabbat.
In His love, Yedidah
February 7, 2020