
I’m going to ask you, please listen to this podcast. It is a summation of historic January 2020, events that affect your life and the lives of all you love. Please share this with others. Please act on the truth. Of the remnant it is written: “They that know their Elohim will be strong and will act,” and thus do exploits. (Daniel 11:32)

It is Podcast CLXII: “Historic January 2020 – Unleashing the Beginning of Great Tribulation.” It is under “Audio Teachings” on comeenterthemikvah.com

This is a compilation of news from January 1-31 that will affect your life without doubt. What have we entered that has unleashed the beginning of great tribulation?

This is not Yedidah giving opinions, surmising, or predicting. I very rarely given an opinion. I want to convey to you only what Yahuwah says. The information I give you here comes from loads of present research, but also a lifetime of walking with the Master.

Since 2007, I’ve been giving you specifics of a buildup of prophetic events. Especially, since 2016, I’ve been giving you more specifics. Now I am not giving you a buildup but a compacting of events by Yahuwah, thus the “days will be few” of great tribulation.

What is the different between tribulation and great tribulation? I address that too. In the last week, I’ve have been given confirmation from Abba of everything that Yahuwah’s Spirit has been telling me, and others, who are finally saying “this is that.” I’ve kept a lot of things to myself, but now, because other watchmen are finally opening up, I am also – under the leading of the Spirit.

I am writing, podcasting, and announcing what Abba is doing for confirmation to a remnant who is hearing Him in their own spirit. We are uniting because the Spirit is uniting all who are taught by Him. Those who run from Truth due to fear, or those who believe only what soothes them, or what makes them angry and belligerent, are outside of the Kingdom of Light. They hunker in the darkness of their own intellect.

What I podcast here must be shared. I speak it to all those who are tired of the lies from our governments, church pulpits, messianic rabbis, Jewish rabbis, the military, public news, etc. etc. If you’re sick of lies, this will bring you peace. I give you pure truth.

If you’re still allowing the enemy to control even a tiny fraction of your mind and emotions, you’ll soon begin to side with the enemy. We are called to live by our spirit, not according to the reasoning of mind, or the feelings of the emotion. The mind and emotions are part of the carnal soul. If the mind is aligned with the spirit, then we’re a united spirit-man.

It’s past time to yield totally to the control of the Spirit of Yahuwah and let Him prepare you for what’s coming upon us all too fast.

I don’t hold back much in this podcast, only what I absolutely must hold back.

I don’t know if I’ll put this in article form. It’s a huge amount of information. Most American adults have an attention span of 8 minutes, so says statistics. But, for those who love Truth, especially the truth of the Word, the attention span is enormous. It depends on how desperately you want to know the truth.

Blessings, In his love,


February 3, 2020

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