Podcast CLXI: The Pale Horse and the Coronavirus

Peace, health, safety, blessings!

“Podcast CLXI: The Pale Horse and the Coronavirus” is ready for listening on comeenterthemikvah.com under “Audio Messages.”

This contains information that you’re not going to hear from any public news.

I give you the latest statistics from last night – January 28, 2020. I combine the three articles on the Coronavirus I’ve written so far, especially from the most recent article “The Pale Horse,” plus information obtained after I posted it.

Be sure to read the first two articles that begin with “Coronavirus…” now under Recent Articles, especially the one entitled “The Pale Horse.” The virus is mutating and doubling every day. The statistics put out by the World Health Organization are so phony it’s ridiculous. Those on site in Wuhan are releasing the truth, as well as Americans and Israeli trained in bio-weapon terrorism reality. Learn how Chinese biochemists from Canada shipped live Ebola virus with Nipah virus on Air Canada commercial flights to Beijing.

The real statistics are enormous. Learn how to protect yourself and your family by practical means. Though the seal judgments and the trumpet judgments are mainly over 1/4th or 1/3 of the earth (Revelation 6 and 8), they are concentrated in Asia. Other plans concern the Middle East and the western world.

In His love, Yedidah

January 29, 2020 *posted 1:29 PM CDT; time of podcast 1 hr. 12.1 minutes

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***“For those who want the podcast app for Spreaker, here is the link. They can download from here also: Spreaker Podcast Radio by Spreaker Inc.

*** To sign up on iTunes, click the purple bar at the end of the Audio Messages’


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1) Address for 2019: Make out checks or money orders and the envelope to Charlotte Townsend and mail to: P.O. Box 34502, Fort Worth, Texas 76162

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