Greetings – Shabbat Shalom!
“Podcast CDXXXXVIII: Part II – Why Yahuwah Chooses Only to Speak to a Reborn Spirit That Is Filled With His Presence – The Eternal Speaks to the Eternal” is ready for listening under Audio Messages on the main page of
TRANSCRIPT of Podcast CDXXXXVIII: Part II – Why Yahuwah Chooses Only to Speak to a Reborn Spirit That Is Filled With His Presence – The Eternal Speaks to the Eternal” is ready for reading under the Mikvah of the Spirit #54.0.
Part II begins with current news that aligns to the topic. The mind is vulnerable to input from fallen angel technology, deceit and lies of man, demonic input directly into the mind, people’s tampering with our emotions, etc. Our will-power must only submit to what Yahuwah says to us in our spirit. If the mind aligns with man, demons, technological manipulation, or mind-programming no matter how it happens, there is great danger to our eternal life. Only by hearing Yahuwah within a Spirit-filled born-again person can there be no error, no deception, no lies, nothing but truth, peace, joy, and love – His Presence.
Beware of who you let manipulate your mind and emotions and thus your will. Only one has the right to instruct, guide, command, and judge … He alone is omnipotent and omnipresent, and omniscient. He is the only One who can safely get us through to the eternal Kingdom.
Remember to operate in the 9 “gifts of the Spirit,” I Corinthians 12:1-11. The “discernment of spirits” is the main one for now – to discern between who is speaking and why: man, demon, or Yahuwah and Yahushua.
In His love, Yedidah -September 2, 2023
OFFERINGS for 2023
For offerings, gifts, tithe, please use one of these two options
1) For giving via check or money order: Make all out to Charlotte Townsend, P.O. Box 3244, Cleburne, Texas, 76033 or
2) Use the Pay Pal Option under “Contact” on the main page of the website, upper righthand corner.
***Note*** Make sure that you send via Pay Pal only through the “friends” option so that you are not charged a fee, and we are not taxed for what you send. Your gifts are simply that – gifts. I no longer have my 501C corporation. Now Pay Pal has the word “friends” with an arrow to the right to click to wave the fees for sending. Go to Paypal via the “Contact” tab on the main page of
***If you are new, or have not been in contact with me for a while, please include your e-mail address with your gift. Yes, I need to thank you for what you send. I do use Pay Pal’s message send to thank people, but I like personal contact.
My son Derek manages this option, but all gifts come to me.
I appreciate your prayers and offerings very much. May you be blessed!
For offerings, gifts, tithe, please use one of these two options
1) For giving via check or money order: Make all out to Charlotte Townsend, P.O. Box 3244, Cleburne, Texas, 76033 or
2) Use the Pay Pal Option under “Contact” on the main page of the website, upper righthand corner.
***Note*** Make sure that you send via Pay Pal only through the “friends” option so that you are not charged a fee, and we are not taxed for what you send. Your gifts are simply that – gifts. I no longer have my 501C corporation. Now Pay Pal has the word “friends” with an arrow to the right to click to wave the fees for sending. Go to Paypal via the “Contact” tab on the main page of
***If you are new, or have not been in contact with me for a while, please include your e-mail address with your gift. Yes, I need to thank you for what you send. I do use Pay Pal’s message send to thank people, but I like personal contact.
My son Derek manages this option, but all gifts come to me.
I appreciate your prayers and offerings very much. May you be blessed!