Greetings! Shalom!

“Podcast CDXXXXIII: Wielding the Almighty Power of the Sword” is now ready for listening under “Audio Teachings” on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com.

This is a powerful podcast, centered around the spirit of Eleazer, one of David’s Mighty Men, in II Samuel 23:8-22, and on our exhortation in Ephesians 6:17. For the “sword of the Spirit” is “the Word of Elohim.”

Revelation 19:11-16 – Messiah’s return: Verse 15 – He wields the almighty power of His sword, and all the evil ones of the fallen realm on earth go into the pit, and Satan is captured and imprisoned.

The Word coming out of our mouth is the sword of the Spirit coming out of our mouth.

Yahushua Messiah makes a powerful statement in Matthew 18:1-4: “Unless you turn and become as a little child, you cannot enter the Kingdom of heaven.”

“Cannot” is a powerful word. Child-like simplicity – gentle, kind, caring, loving, reaching out to others with purity of heart … a mind that wants to obey to please “dad,” to make him happy. A little child – He took a little child as His example – probably a 2 year old.

Now the UN, a globalist servant of Satan, wants 5 year olds to learn sexuality, as well as take vaccines, and choose a gender out of about 100 choices. Germany now is introducing into their public schools “sex rooms,” where little children can get naked and explore each other. The UN has announced how little children are so sexually inclined – so it should be taught at a young age.

The world has been turned over to Satan, the fallen angels, Nephilim and Rephaim, and yet the churches, the messianic congregations, people in general, are playing in rooms all right – for whatever reason – being set-apart by Satan’s forces, human or hybrid, to embrace what will destroy them – drop the sword, drop the battle – just float on a rosy cloud into the pit with them.

Why are the churches and congregations so silent about the approaching martyrdom in the western world of Bible believers? I began teaching on the real remnant, not the religious stuff going around among false teaching, back in the late 1980s. I’ve not heard scriptural teaching on the true remnant of the last days except once – taught by my prophecy class backup at Grace Temple church.

Why are so many defecting from the basics of what it even takes to be born again? Why are so many dropping their standards to match the world’s standards, yet continue to call themselves “Christian,” or “Messianic”?

The enemy is at work to drag down everything that is of Yahuwah and Yahushua into the pit with them. Do not let go of your sword!!!

Yedidah – August 16, 2023

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