
“Podcast CDXXXXII: The Battle is Raging Part II – Nothing is Hidden Anymore” is now ready for listening under “Audio Teachings” on comeenterthemikvah.com.

This goes on to talk more of the seriousness of the battle. I give important dos and don’ts that could save you from spiritual invasion. The fallen ones are out to control your mind, your emotions, your reasoning, and your decision. I give lots of examples in this podcast – of practicality – and of attitudes that keep a person a prisoner of the fallen ones.

Nice people, yet people ignorantly throwing away their very lifeline to help from Yahuwah and their passage-approval into the Kingdom. He wants to make a warrior out of you – of Gideon 300-quality. He is looking for those who will allow Him to take total control over mind, emotions, reasoning and will – so that they walk on a narrow path to the narrow gate – but a path that leads to life, to joy, to peace, to eternal reality.

The canopy of apathy reigns over the nations – what a person wants to believe is truth for them, is the attitude – truth is “relevant” to a concept, thought, situation and how a person wants to believe it, or not believe it. In a world that is erasing absolutes, people are presented with so many choices as to what to believe, so they make up their own line of thinking. Sadly, they find others who think like they do, and so think they are just fine – with “God,” with man, with the world around them, with the forces of the world around them. Self-righteousness reigns.

I go into a little of what I saw confirmed as I stayed up last night to midnight listening to an interview on thehagmannreport.com – between Doug Hagmann, Steve Quayle, and Steve’s chief archeologist Jesse G. from Mexico. Click on episode 4498 “Ephesians 6, UFOs, Orbs, Fallen Angels, Demon, and Giants – No Longer Hidden.” Jesse G. shows pictures he took of orbs. I have my own pictures, too. I have seen so many things of the supernatural realm also – in many countries.

What Jesse and team are finding is attracting with fear the leaders of the world, yet Abba is protecting because of the child-like faith and knowledge of the fallen ones by Jesse G. Just listening to Jesse’s child-like faith, and seeing his boldness in the face of the fallen one’s evil, builds our faith. He and his team are uncovering things that literally is attracting the world of the fallen ones and their human cohorts.

Jesse is the epitome of the power and authority of the child-like in faith – i.e. Matthew 10:19 with Matthew 18:1-4. Without this type of faith no one will come out “unscathed” from what is about to appear on the earth through the millions of stargates and portals opened to the fallen ones. Most of the world will be so wowed in mind and emotions of what is happening, that they will turn from any vestige of faith in the God and Savior of the Bible.

I give a few of my encounters in this podcast. Yahuwah has led me so to teach me. I’ve been in the depths of evil. I understand the union of the witches, warlocks, sorcerers, of human, Nephilim, Rephaim, and fallen angles under Lucifer. I understand the depths of Satanism – having lived with it, having literally smelled the sulfur of fallen ones walking in the house.

I went from an extremely naïve Baptist girl through hell itself to learn the depths of Satan/Lucifer and to understand what is happening now because of his fallen spirit-beings, and his fallen hybrid beings, and his fallen human beings joined with him. I understand the reality of what is happening and what Jesse G. says.

My assignment from Abba is to bring people into a firm commitment to Yahuwah and Yahushua – the Elohim of the Bible – Father and Son, and an understanding of what They are doing now, thinking now, feeling now, and preparing now.

In His love, Yedidah

August 8, 2023

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