
“Podcast CDXXXVII: Henry Gruver’s Vision of Russia’s Attack on America and More Current Reality” is ready for listening under “Audio Messages” on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com

This was a tough one to give. I receive so many insider intel reports as well as open reports every day because so much is happening every day. There are so many lies and so much deception, and so much hiding of truth going on, yet truth is being exposed – and I am a passionate lover of Truth! By my knowledge of the whole Word, knowledge of the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah and Yahushua, and the gifts of the Spirit within me, I know instantly what is of Him and what is not. No lie or deception will be accepted by those who are Spirit-taught, Spirit-led, Spirit-empowered.

Yahuwah’s true watchmen are reporting truth, public news is lying through their teeth. Right now, the true watchmen are receiving death threats, and experiencing attack after attack both on the carnal level and the Luciferic spiritual level.

The masses of humanity who do not hear from Yahuwah believe what they’re told on the TV, in news articles, by their betraying pastors aligned with the “clergy response team,” by betraying spiritual leaders of all types who do not know Yahuwah, of the ignorant passing on their ignorant opinions.

We must get our information first of all from the Word (the Logos), then from Yahuwah personally and individually into our spirit (the Rhema). He speaks in at least 40 different ways, each with precedent in the Bible, but mainly through His written Word (Logos) and by His personally speaking to us through our re-born spirit that has been filled with His Spirit. If our spirit is His Temple, He dwells with us, and so we have access to confirmation from Him and His servants that He sends, so we know the truth and the truth sets us free from lies and deceptions. Never fear the truth! You must be Spirit-taught as in John 16, so that you are in alignment with Elohim and all others in alignment with Father and Son.

We are moving quickly into “great tribulation,” for the goal now is to annihilate the House of Israel and the House of Judah, most all in western civilization, the U.S. being the prime nation, to loosen the cords on Lucifer and fallen angels even more.

“Study to show yourself approved unto Elohim – a workman who needs not to be ashamed.” Study the Word, study with truth-filled servants He sends your way, so that lies and deceptions are very obvious to you – so Yahuwah can confirm their lies and deceptions within your spirit, so that you are not subject to what the enemy wants you to believe. Stay in His Presence, and He will not let you be deceived. Never make decisions based on human logic or rationale. Always get the peace of Yahuwah, and His joy, within your spirit before making decisions. Your major decisions now carry eternal weight.

This podcast gives you some of the list of “first strikes” that Russia has told the Pentagon they would do, nuclear strikes, if the US, UK, NATO persists in threatening takeover-destruction of Russia. I am not a Russian apologist. I simply know the truth about what’s going on, that is being hidden from the masses of humanity. If you love Truth, He will bring you Truth, and let you know when you’re hearing a lie.

This podcast gives you some of the finalities that we have reached as the nation of America, affecting the entire world, releasing the Beast to come to power.

It is much later than most think – all prophetic Scripture about the condition of earth before Messiah returns is happening at once in varying degrees. WWIII has been declared. The US, UK, and NATO have declared war against Russia. Learn what this means for you and your family.

Let us use our Shabbat to be in prayer as to what He has for us – and how we can prepare to align with Him.

In His love and faithful goodness, Yedidah

July 28, 2023

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