Greetings, Shalom!
“Podcast CDXXXV: Yahuwah’s Timing Is Not Hidden – Clear and Exact Signs Are Given” is now ready for listening under Audio Messages on the main page of
I spend about 1/3 of this podcast giving you up-to-date information on how close destruction is being prepared to fall on America, the UK, and NATO Nations. I talk about recent things that show the truth of Jeremiah 50-51, of Isaiah 13, 34, 47, Revelation 17-18, and all the other prophetic books and scripture passages that I podcasted as an introduction to Jeremiah 50-51.
Listen to all of the podcasts on Jeremiah, but primarily the last few Podcasts – numbers CDXXV to CDXXXI. These are key to getting a bigger picture of Jeremiah 50-51, and why America IS end-time Babylon, the Mother of Harlots, Mystery Babylon, of Revelation 17-18, seated back in “Shinar” (another name for Nimrod’s ancient Babylon) as in Zechariah 5. Rome was known in the days of the apostles as “the second Babylon.” The final Babylon, America, is described perfectly, the Babylon that ends in total destruction, giving the world’s reaction to it.
Why did the prophets of Yahuwah give so us many prophecies of the end of what Nimrod started with Babel in Genesis 10 and 11? Because of the repeat of Genesis 11 – the unifying of the world in order to open the dimensions necessary to go into heaven itself and “kill God,” as Anthony Patch says it – but yes, to annihilate Yahuwah, Yahushua, and all of their faithful angelic beings. The goal is the destruction of earth to return it to Genesis 1:2.
Please refer to podcast CDXXXIV: “The Return of Genesis 1:1-3 – The Purposed Destruction of Planet Earth in Process.” The fallen ones are determined to rid the earth of everything that reminds them of Yahuwah and Yahushua and the righteous angels. They want to return the earth to the way it was for perhaps millions of years, according to the Table of the Kings unearth and deciphered, causing Yahushua to speak the earth into existence again as it was before the fallen ones took it over.
The US with German archeologists exhumed Nimrod’s/Gilgamesh’s body in 2003, and found the plans for the tower of Babel (Genesis 11) … along with his gold and other artifacts. He was flown back to America to be cloned, his spirit returned, which we read about in Revelation 9:11 – Nimrod, Osiris, Horus, Apollo/Apollyon. Yes, the Pentagon’s DARPA pulled it off. The Beast is with us.
The destruction of earth is happening – everything needed for life on this planet is being destroyed, from our outer atmosphere to our oceans, our land, food, water, air … photosynthesis, destruction of the magnetosphere, ionosphere, Van Allen radiation protect belts – everything perfect that Yahuwah and Yahushua created in Genesis 1:3 is being destroyed.
The death of 8 billion humans is all set up to happen. The prime targets are Christians and Messianic believers, as well as babies, children, — anything that causes the fallen ones to fear, or hate. This is actually to be the great sacrifice to Lucifer-Satan that he requires for his esteem and his takeover of the earth for himself to rule.
I’m giving you vital information so that there is no disillusionment, no misunderstanding, no room for putting off what is vital for survival – so please listen to this podcast and the ones above, if you haven’t heard them.
In my articles recently, I am also giving you the truth about Russia, the U.S., NATO, the UK – and the lies that the world is being given to justify their falsehood.
Again, I urge you to go to productions and subscribe to the Private Briefings, which is top information that no one else is giving, or perhaps one or two may be giving at this point in time. Yes, you pay a year in advance, but divide the price by 12 and you’ll see it’s less than the price of most dinners at a restaurant, and definitely less than a large package of toilet paper at Walmart. (smile).
In His love, Yedidah
July 14, 2023