
“Podcast CDXXXIV: The Return of Genesis 1:1-3 – The Purposed Destruction of Planet Earth in Process.”

Yahuwah and Yahushua called into existence a perfect earth for the children They would create in Their image and likeness. Then something went wrong, and we got Genesis 1:2.

In II Peter 3:8-13, we see another re-creation–a repeat of Genesis 1:3 that will happen after Messiah returns. Right now, we are between the Genesis 1:3 event that re-created what the fallen ones destroyed, and an attempt at a return to destruction as in Genesis 1:2.

The fallen ones on earth and their Genesis 6:1-4 offspring, are working hard at destroying what was created in Genesis 1:3 and return the earth to what they created in Genesis 1:2. Problem for them is that Yahuwah and Yahushua won’t let the fallen ones win. Yahuwah will frustrate the plans of the fallen ones and their leader Lucifer-Satan. Yahuwah allows only so much. Now, the world is turning away from Him and His Son, Messiah Yahushua/Yeshua/Jesus, and Their Word, so the Genesis 1:2 destruction is well on its way forward again – the goal is an earth suited to fallen creatures, like satyrs, and demons, and all wild creates with natures opposite of the natures of Yahuwah and Yahushua, as Isaiah 13 tells us as Isaiah speaks specifically of the United States in our day.

This podcast comes from notes, expounding from a recent interview of Mike Adams from Brighteon with Dane Wigington of geoengineering.org.

The link to this interview is: https://www.brighteon.com/c28626a0-98bb-4f08-b44e-4b52e1800cf9
This is so extremely important that Steve Quayle made the statement: “This is the single most important interview I have ever seen and even explains why the globalists are initiating Nuclear WWIII to ensure permanent climate change to kill of an aggregate amount of humans to the tune of 7.5 billion people. It is that important!” I would say: It is that important that you listen to this interview and take your own notes. It will answer lots of questions as to what is really going on, and what is the goal of everything Lucifer’s children are doing.

Please share this podcast with others. Listen to the interview. I encourage you to sign up for Quayle’s “Private Briefings” if possible, and learn all you can.

Everything is changing rapidly. Your life depends on your relationship with Yahuwah and Yahushua, Father and Son, our Creators, and your obedience to what Their Word is saying to you, both in written form, and to you personally in your spirit. He speaks to our re-born spirit, as He once spoke from His “Speaking Place,” over the Ark in Solomon’s Temple (I Kings 8).

“40 Ways Yahuwah Speaks To His People,” Mikvah of the Spirit, 4.0. Study this – He wants to speak to you, but He has His protocol for communication.

In His shalom, love, Yedidah

July12, 2023

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