Shalom shalom!
- Podcast CDLXXXI: Your Eternal Birthright – Guard It!” and
- Podcast CDLXXXII: Entering the Tunnel – Current News to Inspire Action”
Two very important podcasts. I give you current news that is numbing. But we have so little time left to prepare, so the news has to be intensely given.
Please go to Jamie Walden’s interview is Episode 4608. Listen to the interview with Jamie Walden: “America, the Babylon, Is No Longer a Mystery Nation.” I posted the notes in the article “CONFIRMATION ABOVE AND BEYOND AFTER THIRTY-TWO YEARS,” posted under “Recent Articles,” Powerful broadcast!
Please go to to “shop” and sign up for the Private Briefings – the cut off date is March 15, 2024. These are invaluable. They share information with you that allows you to hear things firsthand before anyone else because of the high-level of sources that Steve Quayle has access to. The reason why there is a cut-off date is because of what is going to begin against truthful reporters, as well as the intensity of happenings – which may interfere with any ability to receive on a computer.
You simply give them your credit card number, and each month they will charge you $9.97. They will let you know via e-mail that they have charged it for you. You can cancel at any time. Steve Quayle broadcasts are what you pay in full for a year to start with, not the private briefings. Now twice a week Steve’s son, Tyler, has broadcasts. They’re excellent too. Overall, you’ll get top quality information that is substantiated and validated as being true.
In the Private Briefing you will get a report by one of America’s top physics geniuses. His inside information is astonishing, and detailed. He backs up what
Steve is being told by his top sources. I’m a thorough researcher, both in the Word, with Abba’s guidance, and in searching for real truth as it is happening. I know what a lie is what is real truth after about 60 years of study. The Spirit of Yahuwah is my Teacher!!! He is also my confirmer of Truth!
What I share with you aligns with the whole Bible, which is a huge plus! These ones I recommend you hear are real born-again people. I’ve been listening to and learning with Steve Quayle as a watchman for 20 years at least. I check out everything. Steve hears from Abba and confirms to me so many things that Abba has told me. I wouldn’t pass this on to you if I had any doubts. I am on the warpath as usual against lies, deceptions, and untold evil.
Of course, do your own study in the Word, let the Spirit of Yahuwah teach you 100% truth and confirm to you what is true and what is not by His peace and joy.
He always confirms in our spirit what is of Him and what is not from Him. I am not religious because Yahuwah and Yahushua are NOT a religion. They are Persons to know, to trust, to serve, and to be with forever. I do not follow any human being! Please know that – but I do according to what Yahuwah directs me to.
These podcasts contain lots of true information that you are NOT supposed to know.
But Abba wants you to know so that you can be ready – not just in physical preparation, but especially in mental, emotional, and spiritual preparation!
In His love, Yedidah – January 24, 2024