Chag Sameach!

“Podcast CDLV: Yom Kippur – The Day – The Return Messiah – The Lifting of the Veil” is ready for listening under “Audio Messages” on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com.

This podcast goes deeper into Yom Kippur being the day of the return of our High Priest-Messiah Yahushua, confirmed by ancient understanding of it as the day the veil is removed from the bride’s face – at the close of the wedding. Then on to the wedding Feast. I read from HEBREW MATTHEW 25:1-12, regarding the coming of the Bridegroom AND HIS BRIDE.

I give you excerpts from Jonathan Cahn’s teaching on Yom Kippur 2023:

“Yom Kippur, The Day of the End, and the Apocalypse |Jonathan Cahn Sermon”


Recorded live at the Jerusalem Center, Wayne, New Jersey

It is great confirmation to me of what Yahuwah showed me. I wrote about in “The Yom Kippur Consideration for the Return of Messiah,” which is #28.0 of the Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance. This article was written in 2016. Wow, has Abba expanded my understanding since then of so many things He is doing, He has said, He is saying. So, this article is Yedidah being led through first-time understanding of Tishre 10, Yom Kippur, as the Day of Messiah’s return. However, in understanding this Tishre 2023, much clarity came with new awesome information.

I listened to about a 15-minute presentation on Yom Kippur by Jonathan Cahn. He speaks from Hebrew understanding of Yom Kippur more than I’ve ever heard. Thus it confirmed what I had learned in 2016 to a large degree but with more understanding from the Tenach. One thing I really had right in 2016, was that Yom Kippur is a day of the High Priest unifying the nation. It is connected to John 17!

Abba always confirms what He speaks to us in the most amazing ways – sooner or later. He never leaves what He says to us without confirmation. Messiah is our great High Priest. He comes to gather together those whose bodies are in the graves and need to reunite with their spirit-bodies they’ve had since departing the physical realm. It is the time of resurrection and the reign of the Kingdom of Yahushua begins.

Therefore, Sukkot, which we are in now, is symbolic of His “tabernacling” among  us as King of kings, and Master of masters.

The King has removed our sin by His death and resurrection. It is a time of His judgment and positioning of us in the Kingdom. Matthew 25:13 forward.

This is deep understanding/confirmation. It expands what most of us have known into new things we never knew before – but exciting things.

My 3rd surgery update. Slowly working it through – the hernia removal surgery went well and is healing. In the meantime, I’m having all sorts of side effects as my body returns to some sort of normalcy. It’s sure not normal right now.

I’m sorry I missed our Prayer Center weekend Camp Meeting – September 29-October 1st. However, it was Abba’s timing, because so much is coming that we must be in health to endure it. We must tie up loose ends and prepare.

October 4th the FEMA did a short signal alert – with computers, phones, TV, anything that had anything to do with communication. Israel also had theirs at the same time, and even Russia, whose civil defense system is the finest in the world.

The shut down of the US proposed for October 1-4 didn’t happen, but the emergency test did. I learned there were dangerous things in the frequencies, so shut down anything they might be able to do for that short period of the “exercise.”

I hope you did that too – shut down all communication, wifi, etc. during that time.

Being just out of surgery, I had mentioned it before, but did not stress it. Abba wants us all to do our own research and stay abreast of all that is “coming down the pike” that is harmful, dangerous, deadly, to us.

Once again, I suggest you go to stevequayle.com nearly every day, if you’re not a subscriber to his “private briefings” or broadcasts, and ask Abba to impress on you what you need to know and what you do not need to know. It’s NOT all necessary for you to know everything – just what will affect you and your family, your work, your life in general. It is imperative that we are not just “filled with the Spirit,” as in the book of Acts, but that we become His Temple so unified with Him that when He speaks to “do this, do that” you instantly obey. Your life will depend on hearing from Him and obeying quickly.

Those who have a religion but reject the infilling of Yahuwah, the Spirit, are in great danger of not hearing what is necessary to save your life or the lives of your family.

I do not give you 1 speck of religion. I only give you what Yahuwah and Yahushua say in the whole of the Word, and to us individually-personally, for each of us has our own assignments foreknown by Yahuwah to carry out.

It’s all about personal relationship with Father and Son (Elohim).

Enjoy Sukkot! It ends on the High Set-Apart Day this Sunday, October 8, 2023.


October 6, 2023



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