Chag Sameach – Shabbat Shalom: For some of you it is already Shabbat!

“Podcast CDLII: Reality Avoidance Syndrome vs Powerful Prophetic Fulfillment” is ready for listening under Audio Messages on comeenterthemikvah.com.

This is a podcast filled with powerful information, powerful quotes/statements, which are totally accurate – given by some of the finest and longest-standing reporters of truth with the highest of contacts in government and military agencies.

These powerful statements cover many topics of actual now-happening scenarios. Listen carefully, take notes.

It is overwhelming what is coming down all at once to such a fine-tuned degree, aligning with so much of the prophetic Word from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21.

As we see these things coming to pass, Messiah says “Look up! For your Redemption draws near.”

I give you quotes, not opinions – quotes substantiated by facts. In the quotes are statements that you must hear about how the enemy can take over your mind, emotions, and body if you let him.

The topics are numerous – but are all in the works openly now, with the Beast on earth and Lucifer orchestrating them all, particularly from America.

America doesn’t have much longer to live. I give you the process and the why.

Don’t blame anyone but yourself if you have been enjoying this world, soothed, satisfied, apathetic to anything but what appeases your carnality – lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, pride of life. I John 2:15-17. The “Reality avoidance syndrome” mind and spiritual disease is the plague of the first world nations to the max! This disease will kill the eternal life of almost all former believers who avoid Truth.

The warning goes forth in II Thessalonians 2:8-12, Matthew 7:13-15, Jeremiah 5:31.

“Religions” as belief-systems, are all under satanic control. Those who know their Savior and Abba Yahuwah well and are walking in Their will are facing either martyrdom, death by other means, or have Yahuwah’s imparted understanding of the requirements for being part of a tiny remnant – those who are walking on that narrow path that is getting narrower. Abba changed the entire world by the anointing that came on the 120 in Acts 1 and 2 – as Yahuwah took I Kings 8 to its highest level. Messiah opened the door to salvation. The Spirit of Yahuwah opens the door to your being led by Yahuwah Himself personally.

Statements – powerful statements! Listen carefully, learn, put into action things that the Spirit of Yahuwah says to you. I begin by quoting William J. Casey, CIA Director in 1981: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

If you are an American, or live in any first-world nation, this applies to you too – you’ve been surrounded – submerged in lies, deceptions, and evil mind-control, mind-fragmenting, to believe what Lucifer wants you to believe. If you have absorbed the Word of Yahuwah and had Him as your Teacher within your re-born spirit, you know more than most all the people on earth. John 16

I realize that truth is being silenced now worldwide. But, until it is silenced totally, those who love Truth are sharing it openly.

Be sure you’ve read the last article posted, “Kings of the East…” in which I share two articles about the union of North Korea with Russia and what this means to you. Powerful information! Bible Prophecy of these end days is coming to pass in detail. Specifics are surfacing.

Today we begin Autumn – “Fall.” We’re about at Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement. Five days later, we’re at the Festival of Sukkot, Feast of Tabernacles.

These final 3 of the 7 “plan of salvation through Messiah” Festivals tell us of the return of Messiah and His dwelling with us in His Kingdom on earth. “Study to show yourself approved unto Elohim – a workman who needs not to be ashamed.”

In the love of Yahuwah and Yahushua, Yedidah

September 22, 2023

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