Chag Samach! Tishre 1!
“Podcast CDLI: Tishre 1 – Feast of Trumpets – Month of Ethanim – Solomon and the Ark” is now ready for listening under “Audio Teachings” on the main page of
This is a Bible study from I Kings 8, and other Scriptures, which tell of the importance of this month in the plan for our salvation by Elohim (Father and Son).
This is the month where our preparation for Messiah’s return takes on a new perspective – a more urgent and present admonition to us from Yahuwah Himself.
There is no salvation/redemptive action in the physical keeping of the “types” – the pictures or symbols of commandments which prophesy of things to come, or of things which have been in the past – to commemorate with devotion and fervor. We keep the seven Festivals (Leviticus 23) because it is our joy to do so – each one portrays a different happening that brings us into a new birth and into the Presence of Elohim (Father and Son) forever.
Our salvation depends on one thing – the sinless blood of the Lamb of Yahuwah, His Son, who gave His life in our place that we might be transformed into a new creation by faith in Him, as II Corinthians 5:17 so beautifully describes. He literally takes us out of the kingdom of darkness and transfers us into the “Kingdom of His dear Son,” giving us gifts and power over all the abilities of the dark kingdom – setting us on a course to the heavenly Kingdom of eternity with Elohim.
Once truly born again, the guarding of things that “picture” our salvation become very precious to us – so we guard the seven Festivals of Leviticus 23 with joy as members of the family of Elohim who remember what our Beloved Savior has done for us, and will soon do for us also.
The 7 Festivals take on a personal beauty for us. This time of year Festivals 5 through 7 specify the return of the Son, Yahushua, to earth to rule and reign as King of kings and Master of masters. (I Corinthians 15:51-58, Revelation 11:15-19, chapter 19) We see that He returns after the 7th trumpet of the final bowls of wrath poured out upon sinful mankind.
All mankind faces eternity – now more than ever before. What joy to celebrate these last three Festivals, which conclude with Yahushua Messiah tabernacling with us physically on earth for 1,000-years, and then in eternity forever.
This is all outside of man’s religion which cannot touch the depth of meaning that He wants to impart to us.
Under the Mikvah of the Covenant, there 10.0 there are Psalms to do these festivals of Tishre. Under 31.0 the article about the month of Ethanim and the Speaking Place is about today and the time through Sukkot.
Also, the articles about the days of awe – which begin today are very important to note – for in the future before Messiah returns, they will be the most intense and terrible days earth has ever known. If Messiah does not come, no flesh will be left alive – nothing on earth that was created by the Word of Yahshua will be left alive.
Chag Sameach! Come Yahushua Come!
Love and blessings, Yedidah
September 17, 2023