Greetings, Shabbat Shalom!
“Podcast CDL: The Martyrdom Necessary Before Facing Martyrdom” is ready for listening under “Audio Teachings” on
This is a very important podcast as we are entering the outer stages of “great tribulation,” especially for those in America, the U.K., western Europe and Canada.
The Beast is with us and preparing to take his throne. Prophetic events are accelerating to the point where the reporters of truth are being taken off of public medias, and laws are being passed for a one world government system.
The watchmen are having a hard time keeping up with breaking events, laws, things done that are mind-boggling, as well as what is physically happening to the earth and our solar system, our sun, our moon, that is in the Word, too. Every prophecy regarding the time period of Yahuwah’s judgment of earth and the return of Messiah is happening right now.
Yet, we go forth victorious as we live a martyred life as a “witness” to others of the power of our Savior to sustain us in peace, joy, and love.
The word “tribulation” comes from the Latin word “tribulum,” a farm instrument that puts pressure on grain to remove the husks around it, the “chaff.” Unless the chaff is removed, the grain is not usable for nourishing.
It is a process that is being carried out – allowed by Yahuwah – to separate out the “wheat from the chaff,” and to bring His “wheat” into His barns – i.e. Matthew 13.
It is a testing time. It is a time of “pressure,” which is being facilitated the Lucifer-Satan, fallen angels, their human hybrids, and alien creations. Much is coming down as we pass into 2024 on the Creator’s calendar, perhaps tonight, if the new moon is sighted from Jerusalem for Tishre1. I’ll report on that later when I learn the facts.
Shalom, blessings, love, Yedidah
September 16, 2023