Podcast CCXXXXVII: The American Presidential Election 2020 – The Release of Yahuwah’s Final Plans” is ready for listening under “Audio Messages” on the main page of
I summarize the article of November 4th, “The Timing of Yahuwah and the Plans for His Goals” and the article of November 7th, “The American Presidential Election 2020,” giving an introduction of Scripture that clearly shows us, as the worshippers of Yahuwah and Yahushua, what They think of what’s going on in America now.
I do not go into the details of the voter fraud, or say anything negative about anybody. I give positive instruction and information from the heart of Yahuwah.
I go over the prophecy of November 7 from Byron Seale. In the November 4th article about Yahuwah’s timing, I ask you questions to ask yourself. Actually, one line in the prophecy from Byron Searle answers them. Yahuwah gave Christians a President they prayed would win in 2016. But, what did these Christians and Messianics do to promote Yahuwah’s will after Trump took office? Now, He says He will give us a president that will bring down America’s destruction. America did not repent and return to Yahuwah and Yahushua (“God,” or “Jesus,”) but, like the pigs at Gadera, went straight down into the water and drowned themselves in deep sin. When Trump didn’t make America great again, 45% of these once-Trump supporters voted for Biden.
We know that Biden has Alzheimer’s. For that we are sorry. We know he had 10-20 or no one at his rallies, yet according to the voter fraud count, he got more votes than any president has ever gotten. We know that the real President is Kamilla Harris, a self-proclaimed communist. Biden even admitted he’d get elected even if no one voted. Now whistleblowers are sounding out and showing how the fraud was perpetrated. The media has proclaimed Biden the winner. The media has taken the role of Josef Gobbels, who turned the nation of Germany against the Jews and for Hitler. The perpetrators really don’t care who knows the truth; they’ll steamroll their agenda anyway. Many of them are not fully human. We know who now rules the world.
How the enormous amounts of votes got added is being shown openly. So many dead people voted for Biden – using very old voter registration cards. That’s old hat in many elections. President Trump is contesting the election to the Supreme Court. But, no matter how much proof is given, Yahuwah runs the show. He is tired of His people wanting to delay His sending of His Son to establish His Kingdom on earth. He’s had it over His head, so to speak. His judgments will prepare the way for His wrath at the coming of Yahushua.
What are we supposed to be doing? How should we respond to such injustice and evil? I go into that in this podcast. It is time for the true believers to rise up and do what true believers did in the first century when Rome and Pharisees tried to destroy them. How did they handle the injustice of Rome and Pharisaical rabbis? The original believers are our example. Read the book of Acts!
Maintain peace, joy, love, faith, patience, kindness, gentleness, and compassion. Seek to learn how to align to what is on Abba’s heart.
In His love, Yedidah
November 8, 2020