
“Podcast CCXXXXVI: Because of His Love for Us, Yahuwah Takes Us Through” is now ready for hearing under “Audio Messages” on comeenterthemikvah.com.

NO, I am not trying to make up for about three weeks of no podcasting! Abba gave me this exhortation-edification to speak to you today on the heels of the previous podcast today to do with the elections and post-election chaos. This one is an exhortation that is on-going. It is meant to strengthen your faith as well as challenge you out of weariness and oppression to go forward.

In this podcast, I retrieve information from a 2012 article entitled “Through,” and add what is important for now. This is a strong podcast, for the watchmen are now coming down off the wall, and soon will be silenced. The battle is now at the gate. The destruction of the gate of America is what I will be writing about this week and posting. Yes, I will probably podcast that too.

I’ve been pouring out my heart and the heart of Yahuwah and His Word since I got a computer in 2000. As He has taught me, I have taught. I am Spirit-taught exclusively, so do not waste my time with man’s opinions and ideas. Since 2000, one article has been built on the previous one. The core of the message has been basically the same – to prepare Abba’s people for what is before them now, and prepare them for the coming of the King – so that they enter the Kingdom of the King with rewards. This podcast, as all I do, is also to dispel lies and deceptions so that His children do not fall for the “wiles of the devil” via nice-sounding teachers. Discernment must be by the Spirit of Yahuwah, and our knowledge of the Word taught to us by Him.

Blessings to you, in His love, Yedidah

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