Chag Sameach! Happy 8th Great Day of Sukkot!
“Podcast CCXXXXIX: Taking Inventory! How Have the Last Six Weeks Changed Your Life?” is ready for listening under “Audio Messages” on the main page of
This podcast doesn’t just cover the recent article “Recent Prophecy from Messiah Confirms and Strengthens…” under Recent Articles, but amplifies it and explains a lot. I even explain the foundation stone of the world government – the “myth” of Osiris and Isis and baby Horus. I answer the question: Does the Word tell us to take what is set-apart to Yahuwah and place it at the base of what is defiled? Haggai 2! We who go forth bearing what is precious, must not touch what is unclean – but be more set-apart than ever before (II Corinthians 6:14-7:1)
Can we make what is defiled undefiled by our impartation and prayers – laying hands on it, blessing it as being righteous, or pouring wine and oil at its base?
Ignorance of the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah has many in great spiritual danger, even eternal life-threatening danger – both to do with the saved and the unsaved. Get your truth from the only valid source of truth – the Spirit of Yahuwah.
Thank you for your prayers. I am meeting Abba’s deadline by a few hairs … but all in His perfect timing by following His instructions. In this podcast, I show His people how they are really dangerously missing His timing because of not obeying His daily instructions.
Yahuwah has given us this Festival season from Elul 1 through today as a gift to prepare for what follows. I keep my finger on the pressure point of reality to learn daily what is really happening under the table, which is hidden from most all by the “secret cabals.”
Pray for those in the family of Yahuwah and Yahushua who are being deluged with hurricanes, wars, economic disaster, disease, famine, and mental torments.
All of this will increase for all mankind. The “pressure” of the “tribulum” is being raked over the wheat, so that all chaff is removed – and He can gather us into His “barns.” (Matthew 13) Acts 14:22: “…it is through much tribulation that we must enter the Kingdom of heaven.”
In His love, Yedidah
October 10, 2020