PODCAST CCXXXXIII: Yom Teruah – Days of Awe 2020

Shabbat Shalom, Chag Sameach!

“Podcast CCXXXXIII: Yom Teruah Days of Awe 2020” is ready for listening under “Audio Messages” on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com.

The great falling away (apostasy) is rising to full strength so that the Beast can take the throne of Satan (Revelation 13). The faith of the born again must be torn down, if possible, or the born again eliminated, and then Satan can give his son his power, authority and throne. Already the world’s people are bowing to the rising Beast, meeting the demands of his system, thus worshipping him already. Worship is simply bowing and submitting. While singing songs to Jesus, out of fear or being calloused, a person can be submitting to the “god of this world.” Yahuwah tells us to “come out and be separate and touch not the unclean thing.”

There are pastors across America who are preaching the rapture for this Yom Teruah, not one or two – but many. They see what they call a 7-year tribulation approaching, and by their man-thought-up ideas, Christians are supposed to be gone to heaven in a secret “rapture” by Jesus. Many will deny their faith when no rapture happens. Others have thought perhaps an alien invasion and abductions will occur to make it look like a rapture. Whatever … we must know the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah and Yahushua from the whole of the Word, not from a verse here and a verse there that is supposed to “prove” someone’s opinion. People are too lazy to get to know the real Elohim. They are too caught up in their easy-life religion, listening to man’s exciting views that are no more than demonic deceptions. Thus a great falling away must precede the rise of the Beast, as per II Thessalonians 2:3-4.

I thank you for your prayers. I need an apartment to open up quickly so I can move. I was turned down yesterday by an apartment complex, not because of bad credit, or anything wrong with my ability to pay. Nothing wrong with my background check, but because it is a government complex and they wanted me to be entrenched in their smothering controlling system, to declare my ministry a taxable “business,” so I declined. Abba has kept me free. So, I am back to square one, and need to move in 3 weeks or less. I know Abba’s miracles, so my faith is in His abilities – His proven track-record all my life. Pray for my daughter-in-law, my realtor, who is helping me. Abba wants me to move near my son and the newly being-built Prayer Center. Otherwise I would remain alone and far from them.

Shalom, blessings, Yedidah

September 18, 2020


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