Podcast CCXXXX: America in End-Time Prophetic Scripture – Yahushua Speaks to Us


“Podcast CCXXXX: America in End-Time Prophetic Scripture – Yahushua’s Prophetic Word” is ready for listening under Audio Messages on comeenterthemikvah.com.

I don’t give the date on this article until the end – don’t cheat – listen to it all.

I conclude with a prophecy by Joseph Herrin, written out below, that is so now that it is shocking. In this article I give you 30 clues as to America in end-time Scripture, but also share with you the September 6th prophecy by Messiah to Byron Searles. Byron Searles’ prophecies and the dreams of Pastor Dana flow together with one particular message: “Warning!” “Prepare!”

You can go to byronsearles.com and get his prophetic words. Please refer to: “The Seven-Week Prophecies” still under “Recent Articles.”  I also podcasted them as Podcast CCXXXIX.

This podcast is taken from my article “America in End-Time Prophetic Scripture.” I don’t find it posted under a Mikvah, though the articles “Thirty Clues and More…”/Mikvah of Preparation and “End-Time Babylon”/Mikvah of the Great Adventure, give the same basic information regarding America in Scripture.

Here is the concluding prophetic paragraph given by Joseph Herrin that I podcasted today:

From a Christian brother and watchman: Joseph Herrin’s June 18th blog Get Under Cover – Take Shelter: “We cannot continue with business as usual and expect to weather the storms that are coming. We don’t need normal preparations. We need extraordinary preparation. I also sensed a message of a need to speed up preparations. If you have not fully surrendered your life to go anywhere Yahweh says to go, and to do anything He asks you to do; if you have not embraced the cost of discipleship, confessing your willingness to accept whatever life experiences Yahshua chooses for you, you will find that you are spiritually unprepared for the things which are coming. Your only sure shelter is to be found as you walk a surrendered life to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is time to Get Under Cover. As you come under the cover of the Spirit of Christ, He will reveal to you what physical preparations you need to make. Sadly, I am hearing from a number of people who have spurned the instructions of God. Some have responded in unbelief to the counsel of God. They are deluding themselves as they assume that life will continue on as normal, for America is too strong, too well established, to fall into political disarray, social anarchy, and economic collapse. Others hesitate as did Lot… Others are responding with murmuring and discontentment to the counsel of Yahweh and what He is instructing them to do. They are like the Israelites in the wilderness. They complain about every difficulty, every trial, while their hearts are looking back to Egypt and the material things it has to offer. Others are slumbering, oblivious to the gathering storm clouds on the horizon…”

Absolutely this sounds like September 8, 2020! But, it was given over 5 years ago. When Yahuwah speaks to warn us, He keeps it up because of His love for us.

Go over the scriptures for yourself in this podcast. Prepare with food and water, and in all ways – for a total knock out of power, famine, riots, flooding, etc. So many reasons now to prepare – including more lockdowns. I give you some wisdom regarding this in this podcast.

Shalom, Yedidah

September 8, 2020

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