Podcast CCXCI: The Book of Genesis Chapters 4 and 5


“Podcast CCXCI: The Book of Genesis Chapters 4 and 5” is ready for listening under “Audio Teachings” on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com.

I thought this would be a short podcast. However, Yahuwah gave me some very special material that confirmed what He is tells us in these chapters. It is amazing information. I even sneak in the reporting of a Russian scientist regarding what the Covid vaccine is doing right now to turn men into hybrids, under the control of A.I. That’s a look at pre-Flood technology I suppose, in preparation for the next podcast on Genesis 6.

Insight into the meanings of phrases we are very familiar with, will open your heart to real revelation knowledge. What happened in Genesis 3, 4, and 5, through chapter 11, has everything to do with what we are seeing happening now as the Beast kingdom rises, and fallen man dreams of returning to the “Golden Age” before the flood. That return is now taking form, the parallels are astounding.

Abba is certainly guiding my studying and teaching on the Book of Genesis! Genesis is the foundation for understanding the entire Word and salvation through Yahushua Messiah. As Colossians and Hebrews tell us, Yahushua was the Word spoken out that caused creation to be.

I go into the Genesis 1:2 happening again. I go into new topics. Oh how what happened back then is so relevant to what is happening now with humanity!

THE TRANSCRIPTS! I was not going to post any transcripts on the podcasting of Genesis. However, there is so much, besides what is added as the Spirit prompts. To aid your own study, I feel I must post transcripts at least from Genesis 1 through Genesis 11. There is so much in this podcast – how can one remember it all or take notes on it all?

I take notes on key information via broadcasts, articles, interviews, YouTube, and Conference DVDs. It takes me at least 2 hours, or more, to take notes on a 45- minute interview or broadcast/podcast. It is because I do my own research along with the speaker’s words. Anyway, I’ll post the podcasts of Genesis 1-11 under the Mikvah of the Great Adventure. Truly humanity has been on a great adventure from Genesis 1 and 2 to present.

Blessings, Yedidah

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