Podcast CCLXXXVI: Wisdom Regarding When to Back Away From Family and Friends

Shalom, blessings!

“Podcast CCLXXXVI: Wisdom Regarding When to Back Away From Family and Friends” is now ready for listening under the “Audio Teachings” tab on the main page of comeenterthemikvah.com

This is taken from the article by the same name, recently published, but of course I add more and emphasize certain points more.

From Galatians 5:22-24: We must be “long suffering, patient, kind, loving, gentle, peace-filled” no matter what anyone else does.

Some of you are facing very hard life-changing decisions to do with family and friends, job-related problems, church or congregation problems, and problems within yourself. Here I relate to you from my own personal experiences – so I counsel, so I advise, so I discern, and so I write and podcast.

Everything I share with you is from the nature of Yahuwah, from the Scriptures, from what is right. You have ONE Master and one only. He is the only one who can tell you what to do. I direct you to Him, but share also what He has taught me.

As we progress towards the time of global martyrdom of truly born-again people, the concentration camp horrors, the taking of humanity down to 500,000,000 as the goal, the destruction of the human DNA turning men into monsters, into “quantum computers” hooked up to A.I., Yahuwah’s people need to know their options.

You’re not trapped. You might think you are, but you’re not. The real “trap” is only inside your mind. We need our mind to function in this world, but it must be subjected to the authority of the Spirit of Yahuwah or else it will become our enemy. “The mind is the battlefield,” “the mind is our worst enemy” are true statements. Yahuwah gives us another way – via His throne room.

I also get into the “Medical Autonomy” that youth as young as 14-15-year-olds are getting from the government to make life choices they have been programmed by the school system or TV to make – getting an abortion, medical gender changes, birth control devices, rehabilitation from drug or alcohol abuse, hormone therapy, etc. The public school system is a globalist indoctrination system – and begins with kindergarteners being given lies about the vaccine – and gender identification. I pack a lot into this podcast!

In His love, Yedidah

June 3, 2021

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I appreciate your prayers and offerings very much. May you be blessed!






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