PODCAST CCLXXXIX: The Book of Genesis Chapter 2


Podcast CCLXXXIX: The Book of Genesis Chapter 2 is ready for listening under Audio Teachings. No transcript is available because of the added material before podcasting.

Apology: I clarify the words “age” and “era” a little further on in the podcast. When I got to David Flynn’s classic Cydonia – The Secret Chronicles of Mars, pages 14-15, 228, and 232, he made it clearer that the 25,920-year Era was divided up into 5 ages, or “aion.” Here is a quote from Flynn’s book, speaking of purely scientific astronomy, NO astrology, to do with December 21, 2012: “The time is now that the Oroboros is again encircling the earth, the arrow of Sagittarius points to the rising sun in the mouth of the Ouroboros on the morning of the winter solstice.” (December 21, 2012) The Ouroboros is the snake encircling the earth and biting its tail – a star-configuration that marks timing.

Refer to my article: “Leviathan and the Ouroboros – It’s Back” under the Mikvah of Preparation #30.0.

Flynn: “The time cycle of the Aion/age- divided at the mouth of the Ouroboro – will have taken place five times during the course of one Platonic year of 25,920 years. Clarifying 25,920, NOT 25,925. The Greeks called the conjunction of these ages the Sunteleia, marking the end of one age and the beginning of another … the Ouroboros cycle of five Sunteleia. So, the whole Era is represented by the Ouroborus, and each of the five ages is called an “aion,” or in Greek, a Sunteleia.”

Astronomy-wise, on December 21, 2012, we ended an Era of 25,920 and we ended the 5th of the 5 ages/aion!

In Matthew 24:3, the disciples ask Messiah when He is returning and when is the end of the “age.” He answers them literally in Matthew 24:37 when He says, “as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be the return of the Son of Man.”

We are in the “days of Noah.” We began really seeing the details of the “days of Noah” increase as we entered another 7-year cycle September 2015 – 2016 on the Creator’s Calendar.

From Flynn, page 228: “It is now, just as the days of Noah, and the Ouroboros is once again encircling the earth with the sign of the sunteleia being pointed out by Sagittarius. The age we are presently entering is the age of Aquarius…. Modern mystery schools believe that the current Ouroboros sunteleia heralds a new Golden Age that will be ushered in by unparalleled upheaval and war.”

Amazing! Globalists today press forward to return Nimrod to power/Apollyon-Abaddon (Revelation 9:11) to bring a new Golden Age, like when the kings of fallen angels ruled between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:3.

NOTE: The progression of the equinoxes/constellations is a 25,920-year cycle. This whole time-period is called an “Era.” Each of the five divisions are called the five “ages” or in Greek “aion.”

The days of the Flood, Noah’s day, began the 5th and final age of a 25,920-yaer Era. This final age ended in 2012. This is the order of the cosmos/astronomy, NOT anything to do with the dark kingdom, yet they use it to build their “New Age Movement,” and vitalize their secret societies that honor Lucifer and his angels. However, it is tragic that Lucifer’s children understand the cosmos and how the order of it works, and most all Christians or Messianic folk have zero understanding of any of it. We honor our Father and Yahushua as Creators. Yet, few know how complex and grand it really is, and how it maintains time.

I only podcasted Genesis 2 this time. So much information! We know that Genesis 1:2 was the reign of the fallen ones over the earth, from the Sumerian Tablets list of “kings” (fallen angels) who ruled the earth. We know that there could have been tens of thousands of years between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:3. However, in calculating time, “Creation Week” took place in 6 24-hour days.

I share the findings of J.R. Church in his star-chart search using Bishop Ussher’s astute dating of creation at 4004 BCE – the Genesis 1:3 creation. Fascinating material. You can read his first-class article with his findings by going to lifestreammagazine.com. The article title is: “The Untold Story Behind Creation Week,” by J.R. Church.

Using a star chart, J.R. came up with the exact timing of Messiah’s concept and birth that I wrote in “Yahushua’s Birth – The Truth About September 11, 03 BCE”/Mikvah of Eternal Salvation.

So much to search out, led by Abba’s Spirit!!! So many opinions of man, most worthless. As you study Scripture, you may find more answers than you could imagine.

I’m looking forward to the Kingdom when everyone learns everything from the Master Himself!!!

Shalom, Yedidah

June 16, 2021

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