Podcast CCLXXXIV: The Reason Why Gossip and Slander Can Be Eternally Punishable Sins


“Podcast CCLXXXIV: The Reason Why Gossip and Slander Can Be Eternally Punishable Sins” is now ready for listening under “Audio Teachings.”

This is a teaching from the April 29th article by the same title, under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.

OF COURSE, I go into a lot more detail in the podcast than is in the article. I tell about things Abba showed me after I posted the article. I conclude with “spiritual cannibalism,” which is rising along with cannibalism of human flesh.

Gossip and slander are on the list of satanic methods of “accusation.” For the title “Satan” means the “accuser.” Gossip and slander make a person a partner with Satan and his fallen angel companions, to destroy the lives of all who hear them and all who are recipients of their accusations, truthful or not. They step into the roll of “Satan.” Gossip and slander is also known as “character assassination,” which slots the tale-bearers as “spiritual murderers.”

We do not know what Abba knows about a person’s future life, perhaps He knows that a great sinner will become and great saint. We must not come between our all-knowing Father Yahuwah and a child that He loves. That is NOT wise!

Gossip and slander are boomerangs that go out from a person and return to the person, as it falls on them for judgment. I give some personal information also. I was bitterly gossiped about and slandered, betrayed, plotted against, and to this day the results are still devastating. People do not want to hear the truth, so I am silenced in giving truth. Yet, for my sake, I choose to go on. I choose to forgive. I choose to put all that behind me, and walk free. Memories can be tormenting and agitated by demonic presences. We don’t need that. Pray that the memories become so dull that they finally disappear. Pray prayers of forgiveness. Seek to express forgiveness as He leads. We must be free!

I am often amazed at what I say in podcasts that I never thought of before, or never intended to say at all. As we speak under the Spirit’s “anointing,” we often say things that astound us, and transform the lives of others for good. We either partner with Yahuwah to transform others for good, or partner with Satan to destroy lives, lives of the one demeaned, and the lives of the hearers of the “opinions.” BEWARE! Do not anger Yahuwah against you!

I write and speak in His love, Yedidah

May 5, 2021

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